Striki Wiki

last modified: October 26, 2011

StrikiWiki is a WikiClone being developed by JeroenMostert that 'tries' to impose structure on a Wiki. Implementation is PerlLanguage with WikiBase used as inspiration.

The basic idea was to add a template functionality. Every page has a PageTemplate associated with it. This PageTemplate describes what sections this page has. A form is just another page. A form is basically just a list of sections so everybody can make a new form (PageTemplate).


Missing Features

Ugly bits

Try It

See it in action at BrokenLink 20111025 goes elsewhere: It is in a prototypical state, no real content (yet).

Implementation and Mechanics

Each page is stored as a single file, with special markers to separate the sections and to store the name and form. A dbm database is used to cache MetaData. Every section can specify its renderer (used to convert the base format to HTML). A renderer is PerlModule (class).

The search and form instances functionality are grep based.

