KeheiWiki is derived from JosWiki and targets commercial applications, intranets and private clubs
- controls over who may edit
- templates can lock-down select topics
- public browse with selective editors list
- authors vs editors are recognized and protected
- editor accounts can be tagged with skills
- authors may designate what skills needed to edit pages they make
- public FAQ pages and signup lists
- pages can source or sink html forms from the public
- inter-editor messaging
- pages can look different depending on who is browsing
- urls look natural (no ? marks in them)
- easy for search engines to index
- no need to use url query syntax to specify topics
- virtual subdirectories are supported
- flexible markup:
- html is optional
- autolinking can be disabled within a page or globally
- can add own wiki commands
- can be used to view C or other lang source code
- modular and extendable
- without hacking base source or applying patches
- separate directory for extensions
- proprietary/local extensions may be added without GPL-ing them
- templates and includes supported
- no DB required, all topics for a given area live in one directory
- It is open source
I have implemented a capability model in KeheiWiki and it ties in well with the apache groups file.
- It has been there for some time though recently I found ways to generalize it and remove any hierarchical constraints
- In essence anyone may have any number of capabilities associated with their identity
-- BobRacko
KeheiWiki is now being used for project
- A 'wiction' is the product of one or more authors collectively working on a collaboration (short story, novelette, serial, novel, trilogy, etc.) and unleashing it to readers for their enjoyment.
- Each such collaboration is a separate instance of KeheiWiki.
- The project is available: