C.J.Dempsie@bigfoot.com wants to use JUnit and wonders who is using it. Please identify yourself and other known users here. Thanks! -- RonJeffries
- DanPierce uses JUnit and IntellijIdea at 50Below.
- JbRainsberger lives and dies by JavaUnit. If you tried to take it away from me, you might get hurt.
- ApacheAnt uses JUnit!
- DelphiConsultants has used and is using JUnit on all projects unless the customer specifies something else. -- BillyBarron
- Wrap project @ BT Portfolio Services (Sydney, Australia)
- Move Project @ FJA Feilmeier & Junker AG (Zurich, Switzerland), contact: PeterGassmann
- Marcel Rüedi (itopia, Zürich, Switzerland)
- We use it extensively at http://www.canoo.com. -- DierkKoenig
- PaulSimmons used it on a product development (working with TimMackinnon and OliBye). He also used it on client site of a major investment bank. He has encouraged employees of the bank to adopt it too!
- PenrillianLtd use Junit to develop productivity aids for Java developers targeting the Symbian EPOC OS -- KeithBraithwaite
- AndrewHunt and DavidThomas on various projects, most recently to test the non-GUI layers of a large applet.
- DaveAstels et.al. are using it at ISO New England to test the server side of their project. (circa 1999)
- DaveAstels is now CEO & Master Software Craftsman at his own company: SaorsaDevelopment where we use XP and the xUnit family (mostly jUnit so far).
- The testing group at DaimlerChrysler just evaluated 3 potential tools for unit testing Java code. JUnit evaluated to be the leader and will be recommended to new projects. The feeling was that while the other two tools did much automated creation of unit tests, overall they were not as useful. That is, these two other tools could create a very simple suite of unit tests based on various boundary conditions and combinations of inputs. That is fine, but they did not generate any of the more difficult tests, tests that only a developer would know to create. These tests can be the hardest and most time consuming to create. However, JUnit though simple does allow you to use your Java IDE to develop and debug your unit tests. Depending on the IDE you can even integrate JUnit into the environment (e.g. VisualAge). We also found certain types of tests were simply not possible in the other two tools. So overall you may have to code all your tests by hand, but when it comes to the really tough tests you will be glad you have it. -- DonWells
- Here at SwissLife, we are using JUnit to develop an automated test suite for our rather large insurance application. We are trying to enhance it to better support server-side and concurrent access tests in an EJB environment. -- HaskoHeinecke
- Our Media Editing project (XpEdinburgh) are making extensive use of JavaUnit. A friend has written a utility which uses reflection examine a .class file and construct a TestCase derived class with testXXX methods for each of the classes public methods. AndySwan is considering a reverse of this so that we can write a TestCase and generate a skeleton class with public methods based on testXXX. The tests will all fail and we can write the code until they work (the smalltalk way :) -- AlanFrancis
- XpLondon is using it extensively. -- SteveFreeman
- I started using JUnit recently and now wouldn't consider coding without it. It has helped me enormously in catching bugs, improving design (because I write tests before coding) and most importantly given me confidence in the code I write. On a recent project, the only bugs found in deployment were related to things I couldn't write tests for (JavaServerPages mainly) but I'm thinking about how to extend JUnit to enable servlet testing. -- ChanningWalton
- "Me too, me too!" I can conceive of programming without JUnit, but not happily. Regarding Don Wells' point of having to write all the tests myself, rather than having them automatically generated - I think that this is a feature, not a bug. It encourages me to refactor in such a way that I have fewer tests to write, which (so far) has always made the code under test better too. -- BrettNeumeier
- The thing is that I try to write tests before I've written the code that the test is for (XP way I guess) (which would make automatic tests impossible methinks). The reason I do this is that is forces me to think about the code and clarify what it is I'm going to do. -- ChanningWalton
- I've been using it on a contract at a well known British private health company for the last two months and previously used it on the NikiNiki project at ObjectiveComputerSystems. It's pretty cool. -- LanceWalton
- At ChannelOneHamburg, we've found that classes, that we couldn't easily write tests for, often became a target for a larger refactoring. In fact, you really have to design your classes in such a way that you can easily write tests. Otherwise, testing becomes a hassle and bugs slip by. In our experience, the best way to do this is to actually write the unit tests before you start coding. -- FrankWestphal
- I'm started using it about 1.5 years ago, and now I'm not programming Java without it. My only problem with JUnit is that I don't use it enough. "This can't go wrong, so I won't waste any time writing a test case for it." Guess what? It could go wrong. And it bites me when I least need it. Just a day before the next release, for example. (PairProgramming helps, so that someone else makes me write the test case.) -- Unknown?
- In a new project we at Baan started a couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity of choosing JUnit as the testing framework, and currently I am in the process of coaching the other team members in using it, and using it effectively. I expect it will take quite some time - probably PairProgramming is the best way to do is. -- MarnixKlooster
- We've also found that TestingPrivateMethods seems to be of CodeSmells. TestingPrivateMethods smells of debugging. TestingPrivateMethods also prevents us from being able to RefactorMercilessly. If you ListenToTheCode, you learn that MethodsShouldBePublic. Therefore, execute the ExtractClass refactoring, have all the former private methods be publicly accessible, and test them ruthlessly. You may end up with a reusable abstraction whose responsibilities will grow over time. -- FrankWestphal
- BarryKaplan, ChuckMcCorvey, and myself are using it to rapidly prototype a major financial processing application. It is working great!I highly recommend the JUnit experience. -- JohnGoodsen
- We have started using JUnit on XpTrowePrice with good results so far. -- DionHinchcliffe
- We in Motorola/SPS/SoCDT/uk have been using JUnit since August 99 in the development of a Java framework for encapsulating silicon design tools. We are now completely TestInfected. -- KevinRutherford
- The PCPI project at ADP (http://www.adp.com) is using JUnit. (see TomLove). It is not being used right now as well as it could be.
- We use it at Connextra for the development of a web based consumer product -- TimMackinnon
- I'm currently consulting with a large west-coast brokerage firm, where I've just given my third talk on JUnit to a sell-out crowd. I know of at least four projects that are using it here. -- KyleBrown
- At Siemens Business Services in Vienna, Austria we are using it for the development of a sales & marketing web application for the financial industry. -- BernhardPieber
- Is it only the JUnit code that we are discussing here, or does the concept count? When we started unit testing our Java code (after hearing about the concept from MartinFowler and WardCunningham), JUnit was not available, so we wrote our own Java test harness, which at least two projects are now using. -- RussellGold
- We've been using JUnit for about a year. We started on one project and slowly "fanned the flames" to help it spread to various other efforts. The groundswell of TestInfected developers has been amazing! I suspect it's because JUnit empowers developers to make changes rapidly with confidence. --AntonyWilson
- I am using JUnit with great success for the stuff I write. We have been trying to introduce it to our organization as a whole with little success. I think we have to big a gulf between the process people (RationalUnifiedProcess) and developers to make it happen just by talking about it. And no support from management needless to say.... -- FredrikRubensson
- I use it in my consulting and training practices. I recently wrote an applet version of JUnit for use in online testing. In my DesignPatternsWorkshop, I show people how JUnit uses the Decorator and Composite patterns. I'm particularly fond of the ActiveTest decorator in Junit. -- JoshuaKerievsky
- I've experimented with JUnit to allow me to get involved in an existing project quickly. Some functionality is not complete but the exact state is not documented, so I wrote some unit tests with JUnit to determine what needs done. Very good experience - I'll use it or something similar (probably be C++ coding) in the self-contained new component that I'm involved in for this project. -- NeilGall
- I use JUnit at work (consultant for American Express, but all views are mine, blah blah blah) and at home. I've already got one other programmer using it and a few others watching over our shoulders. I'm giving a presentation on it later today, to see if I can act as an effective vector for it. If that goes well I want to see if the Phoenix Java User's Group would like to become infected. -- WayneConrad
- The AtsProject is using JUnit. -- JimLittle
- We're using JUnit at planetLingo. -- Leif Bennett
- AlanFrancis and RichardWatt are using it at XpSferics. -- AlanFrancis
- ErikMeade, EvanCofsky, ...
- MattBiddulph and WarrenMilburn are using it at Ananova in Leeds (UK), and passing on the good news to other developers.
- I am using the C++ variant of JUnit in a private project. -- JuergenLindemeyer
- The Courier project at GemStone is using JUnit. Some of us have been using SmalltalkUnit since KentBeck first gave it away in 1995. JUnit rocks! We're using it to test design contracts at the interface level of various large-grained components in server-side VMs, and we're also using it as a remote client to test some EJBs. -- RandyStafford
- JUnit is mentioned in ApacheGroup and JakartaProject mailing lists.
- JUnit is being used at http://www.onepipeline.com. JUnit is great!
- WestJet Airlines http://www.westjet.com/ Our programming department is using it on several ongoing projects and we will use it on all future ones. Our programmers are test infected.
- I'm using JUnit and the ideas behind it in my consulting work (and my private work). Used CppUnit as well. -- Peter Schrier
- CapitalOne in the UK
- I've been using JUnit + HTTPClient (http://www.innovation.ch/java/HTTPClient/)to test web applications (and not just java ones) -- AndrewSemprebon
- The S.P.A.C.E. (http://www.cdegroot.com/cgi-bin/jini?RobertDiFalco) team at Tripwire, Inc. (http://www.tripwire.com) uses Junit.
- Wapit Ltd uses JUnit (http://www.wapit.com)
- LanceWalton and I are using JUnit at The Capital Markets Company in London (its actually in their coding guidelines!!!). Lance is also doing XP there although the BAs don't know its called that :-) -- ChanningWalton
- Andrena Objects (http://www.andrena.de) uses JUnit developing software for banks and industry. Contact: JohannesLink
- ProductSight uses JUnit within VisualAge. Life is good. -- EricHerman
- SergeyPomytkin at least try to use.
- devIS uses JUnit and will continue to use it (http://www.devis.com). New hires get infected right away :)
- Ralph Poellath is starting to use junit.
- After several years of using the Smalltalk equivalent of JUnit (SmalltalkUnit) i introduced it into my current project at Siemens SFS about one year ago. In the beginning some developers on the team did not like the idea of writing a unit test for every component they develop. But today everyone is convinced that it helped (and still does) us a lot. -- PeterMaier
- Grassroots is using junit :-)
- www.blink.com is using junit. Well, at least CurtSampson there is. :-)
- JohnSumsion enjoys using JUnit
- I've translated JUnit into LingoUnit for Macromedia's Director. Tough to get it working in Lingo, but definitely worth it! Now I just have to modify it to help with testing the GUI... ;-) -- RobHarwood
- DavidCorbin uses it.
- The teams I have been on at McKesson [2004-2005], MediaOcean [2001-2004], ChoicePoint [2001], Red Sky [2000], and GDI Engineering [1999] all used JUnit. -- JimMcFarland
- Krishna Kumar uses it. http://www.livejournal.com/users/kriskumar/
- MikePorter is using and loving JUnit... I have been thinking lately about WritingTestableClasses
- Oops AB (http://www.oops.se) in Gothenburg, Sweden is happily using JUnit (or, as wiki likes to call it: JavaUnit)
- Escape Velocity Technology (http://www.evtechnology.com/) uses JUnit for all of our Java code, and have just been bitten by the new "assert" keyword in JDK 1.4 - anybody have a good solution other than just renaming the JUnit method?
- use the latest release of JavaUnit. It accommodates for this, I believe. -- Cheers, JasonRogers
- assert -> assertTrue in the latest version. A great tool to rename the methods: seRapid. VladimirBossicard
- JUnit is used to test all production and most spike code at the XP Studio (http://www.rolemodelsoft.com)
- TumbleweedCommunications has adopted it in most/all of their Java teams. InterfaceSystems used it extensively in their L2i product line (it was even used to write some automated acceptance tests).
- JasonRogers uses it at work and at home.
- We're using JUnit for the development of the ArsDigita Community System (http://developer.arsdigita.com/acs-java/). -- RichardLi
- MikeCorum used JUnit at Monsanto in StLouis as a way of verifying a conversion of a fairly complex Java research application from Visibroker 3.4 to Visibroker 4.1.1 with the POA. Unit tests were created for all the CORBA interfaces. It is already showing value. JUnitPerf has been added to verify certain performance requirements for both the CORBA servers and the database. It is useful to set up simple stress testing of servers. We are also using JavaUnit, HttpUnit, JUnitPerf, and utPLSQL in several projects. One is doing full XP and another is doing partial XP.
- Over at http://www.acorro.com we use JUnit, and it's damned fun.
- The SoftwareImprovementGroup is happy to use JUnit. -- AlexVanDenBergh
- The "INA DeCore" team at Nortel Networks in Ottawa, Canada is using Junit all the time. We love it.
- I use JUnit in my personal development, and in my consulting projects. I recently used VbUnit to test several sort implementations (including performance comparisons) while helping a fellow consultant on his project. Now I am using Nunit (a port of Junit to the Microsoft DotNet platform) while I design and build a replacement enterprise system for my new employer. Nunit has some nice features that take advantage of the special abilities of DotNet. -- RobWilliams
- I've infected the co-ops (interns) at work here (http://www.lachesis.com), and managed to lobby the CTO into supporting it. The oldtimers here all seem to fall somewhere between cautious to quietly subversive, but the biggest problem seems to be testing database dependent objects. Does anyone have any advice on unit tests in conjunction with databases? -- KaelLizak
- MikeBowler uses JavaUnit on personal projects and has been successful at convincing his clients to use it as well
- Philipp Meier uses JavaUnit at o-matic GmbH, Ulm, Germany.
- AngsumanChakraborty uses JUnit almost religiously :)
- ShaunSmith would never give it up!
- IainLowe uses JavaUnit at home, work and play! Couldn't imagine working without it now...
- DavidCabo extended JUnit in order to test his code in SeeBeyond eGate. He is very happy about it, and is trying to spread it to the rest of the project (Accenture @ Sainsbury's, London).
- Chrome Systems Corporation (http://www.chrome.com)
- TeamInaBox use it (http://www.teaminabox.co.uk)
- WilliamUnderwood has recently seen the light...
- JamesMcGovern and the crew at Hartford Financial Services Group use it
- TorneWuff uses it on his own projects and for code submitted to his supervisors at university (they like it).
- Java Gui Builder (http://jgb.sourceforge.net) is using JUnit to test internal functionality.
- JavaLobby Community Portal project (http://gotjava.sourceforge.net) is using JUnit and I'm glad! Thanks, Kent and Erich. -- TomRossen
- BillDehora is using JUnit at Propylon
- EricHodges has been using JUnit almost as long as it has been around. Before that I used my own unit test framework (they're easy to write).
- ApoorvaMuralidhara has been using JUnit since 2000 for ExtremeProgramming and TestFirstProgramming. He especially likes to use automated UnitTests to support RefactorMercilessly. He also uses WoUnitTest with JUnit to test WebObjects applications. And he uses RubyTestUnit for RubyLanguage programs.
- AlexeyVerkhovsky is using JUnit at Amdocs, as a foundation of an integration test framework and suite for a huge customer care and billing application. I wholeheartedly agree with an earlier orator - every COTS tool out there that tries to do test automation for you sucks. And this is how the notion of "test automation is too expensive" is propagated. Those things that help you program test automation like a proper software that it should be, are the winners.
- JohnWebber is using JUnit at Jentro (http://www.jentro.com), along with his colleagues. He uses it when programming at home, too.
- JuhaKomulainen uses JUnit at Solita (http://www.solita.fi), as well as in his home.
- Everyone at ThoughtWorks (http://www.thoughtworks.com). We also created and maintain nUnit (http://nunit.org).
- Vyom (aka Deepak Jois) just started using it for a project in university.
- AgileEdge (http://www.agileedge.com) is using it!!!
- DavidPlass is using it and loving it! Changed his screen name to "GreenBar"!
- We (http://www.rootmode.com/) are playing (learning) with JUnit for internal use initially and possibly for customers in the near future.
- Vini Vidi Vici -- PhlIp
- StuartScott and many others at TUI UK.
- TimKing, as part of unit-sim (http://www.jtse.com/software/unit-sim) and the Java implementation of Furry Ice.
- OliverBoehm in different projects and 1 book (http://www.javatux.de/J4L/index.htm)
- MaximRomashchenko and all Anahoret Team are using JUnit for all Java projects.
- PaulHolser has proudly been using JUnit and its ilk since A.D. 2000.
- CaseyHelbling has been using it forever. One of the best tools in my box.
- SusanDavis, and everyone else on her team.
- Everyone at ItAgile uses JUnit.
See also: WhoIsUsingCppUnit WhoIsUsingIntellijIdea WhoIsUsingExtremeProgramming, WhoIsUsingEclipse