Mike Porter

last modified: March 18, 2004

MikePorter is Extreme. He practices ExtremeProgramming in everything he does. He goes on ExtremeDates, ExtremeSkis, even my sleeping is Extreme. I have recently taken my experiences from ExtremeDates and create the ThreeDateProgram.

Recently I am the founder of http://www.agileedge.com - One of the best integrated Requirements, Bug Trackers and Issue Tracking solutions on the market.

Please take a good look at www.agileedge.com Agility Bug and Issue Tracker

Beyond my love for XP, I am very interested in DistributedComponentProgramming. I have been using Java on the server side for about 4 years; prior to

I am the founder of AgileEdge

I am also a co-founder in http://www.esagegroup.com EsageGroup

