resume: DeadLink
There are many people named "Eric Herman" in the world, but on the net, I'm the one that programs, not the one that writes music ... at least not nearly well enough that I'd have a web page about it!
Please feel free to leave me a message here:
OpenSource Projects:
- FreeSA : fully customizable Server Appliance
- new MySQL Stored Procedures : write UserDefinedFunctions and StoredProcedures in Java or Perl for MySql
- WL-700gE Serial Console : how to add a serial console to the Asus WL-700gE router
- hotpotato : distribute your jobs in parallel
- judf : prototype for UserDefinedFunctions in Java for MySql 4.0 (obsolete)
- Visitor Pattern Example : example of VisitorPattern in Java
- Checked Exceptions Discourage Closures
- Composition vs. Inheritance in Java
I currently work at
From 2004-2010 I was employed as a developer for MySQL.
From 2000-2004 I was employed by ProductSight doing ExtremeProgramming.
When I lived in Seattle, I usually, but not always, attend the weekly Seattle Pair-Programming group <brag>(which I started)</brag> and the the XpSeattle meetings.
Being the testing nut that I am, I've been addicted to JUnit for a while. However, AcceptanceTesting has always been a struggle with my organizations. HttpUnit has helped, and I've also looked at FIT and FitNesse .... Most recently, I've worked with Selenium.
When I find myself with little to offer to the content of these pages (as I often do), I try to spend some time as a VolunteerHousekeeper. It feels great to be able to make useful (even if very small) contributions to this amazing community. I try to avoid odd WikiGrammar, but sometimes it can't be helped, so just the best we can do is smile. I especially enjoy words like "UserStorys"
AmateurRadio (HamRadio) Call: KC0GKK
some Wiki tricks I swiped from PhilGoodwin:
- http:topten?do=counts&do=wiki -- top 10 read pages
- http:wikiNames
- http:wantedWikiPages
- Search: [Search]
- Full Search: [Fullsearch]
some pages I've added to:
and check out:
BlocksInJava ... it's worth the (long) read.
15 minutes of fame:
Books I'm Reading:
- PragmaticProgrammer - a must read for junior programmers and a good review for the experienced
- Mother Of Kings - long and so-so
Books I pester other people to read: (They may not be what you think)
- A People's History of the United States by HowardZinn - ISBN: 0060926430
- There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos by JimHightower - ISBN: 0060929499
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X - ISBN: 0345350685
- Catch 22 - ISBN: 0684833395
oh and you should read ReflectionsOnTrustingTrust
I'm working on a LinuxFromScratch project for my laptop. I'm starting with a blank hard drive and booting with a KnoppixLinux disk. (I was using GnoppixLinux, but the compiler was too old.)
This means, with each boot, I need to re-do some stuff, but it has the feel of a BareMetalInstall.