Enterprise Architect living in Nottingham, England, working in Manchester.
- Preferred Language : Java.
- Preferred Vodka : Smirnoff. Although Dooley's Toffee Vodka runs a close second.
I think Wiki home pages should have pictures on them. So here's a pic of me:
(aged 2)
I'm called an Enterprise Architect, so I guess I do EnterpriseArchitecture. I've done ToGaf certification and much of it makes sense. However, everybody seems to have a different view of EA.
Ultimately I'm fed up watching business people and IT people pulling in different directions and not working together with a team, and rather than deal with that at the individual project level I want to influence things at the board level.
It means my job is no longer IT. Instead it's a confusing hybrid of business and IT, suggesting business strategy and trying to enforce IT strategy. So far it's fun, so I'm going to keep on with it.
Oh, and I'm now a Chartered IT Professional.
Dude! your HomePage came up on RandomPages - I've been looking for myself for ages now. -- sw