The goal of the Jakarta Project is to provide commercial-quality server solutions based on the JavaPlatform that are developed in an open and cooperative fashion.
The JakartaProject consists of a number of subprojects.
- ApacheTomcat is the reference implementation of the Servlet API that started the whole project, which was donated to Apache by Sun.
- JakartaAnt started as a subproject as well, but has now become a project of its own right (ApacheAnt).
- JakartaAvalon (WhoUsesJakartaAvalon)
- JakartaCactus is a server-side Java TestingFramework
- JakartaLucene
- JakartaOjb is an Object Relational mapping tool, also known as ObjectRelationalBridge.
- JakartaStruts
- JakartaVelocity
JUnit is often used by Jakarta projects, but is hosted through SourceForge.
See also ApacheSoftwareFoundation, FreeSoftware, OpenSource