I'm a freelance agile coach from Macclesfield in the UK. I'm a Certified Scrum Master and Chartered Engineer with over twenty years' experience in all aspects of software development. I have spent the last ten years coaching software teams in iterative and agile processes.
I am a member of the Agile Alliance, and I chair the UK's AgileNorth group. I contribute regularly to the agile community, as conference speaker, organizer and reviewer.
I'm a dedicated fan of the local football team Macclesfield Town FC - also known as The Silkmen.
Favourite pages here include TheZenOfProgramming, SunTseBingFa ...
You can also find me via:
- my blog, at http://silkandspinach.net/
- my website at http://www.rutherford-software.co.uk/
- the UK's AgileNorth group
- email at mailto:silk.spinach@gmail.com