Don't let the page title fool you. This page is a RoadMap for both C++ and C (CeeCeePlusPlus).
There's an enormous pile of information, wisdom, ranting, and just plain discussion on this Wiki about CeePlusPlus and CeeLanguage. The fact that WikiWords about C++ are inconsistent doesn't make searching for relevant pages simple (see UnifyCeePlusPlusVariants).
Related Languages
- CeeLanguage
- CeePlusPlus
- ObjectiveCee (See also AppleRoadMap)
- ObjectiveCeePlusPlus (See also AppleRoadMap)
- CsharpLanguage*
Language Comparisons
- AlternativesToCeePlusPlus
- AsFastAsCee
- CeeAndCeePlusPlusComparedToOtherLanguages
- CeePlusPlusTemplatesCommonLispMacrosComparison
- CeeVsAdaStudy
- CsharpVsCpp
- JavaVsCpp
- TheLastCeeProgramWritten
- WhenShouldWeUseCeePlusPlus
- ActiveTemplateLibrary
- BlitzPlusPlus
- BoostLibraries
- DaixtroseLib
- MatrixTemplateLibrary
- MicrosoftFoundationClasses
- SgiStl
- StandardTemplateLibrary
- StlPort
- WindowsTemplateLibrary
- CeePlusPlusDotOrg has a lot of information about libraries for C++.
- CppNext (blog about the future of C++)
- IwannaLearnCeePlusPlus
- LearningCee
- The Susannah Series:
Idioms and Conventions
- AnonymousNamespace
- ArgumentDependentNameLookup (ADL or KoenigLookup)
- BlocksInObjectiveCee
- CeeFlags
- CeeLanguageAndBufferOverflows
- CeePreprocessor
- CodingStandardList (for several languages, some C & C++)
- CompareConstantsFromTheLeft
- ConstCorrectness, ConstIsaVirus, UseConstMemberFunctions
- CeePlusPlusIdioms
- CppHeresy and CppOrthodoxy
- CppSingleton
- CppStandard
- CppStaticRiddle
- EarlyCeePlusPlus vs LateCeePlusPlus
- ExpressionTemplate
- ForwardReference
- FunctionalProgrammingInCpp
- GarbageCollectionInCpp
- HeaderOnlyCeePlusPlusPackages
- InheritStlContainersPublicly
- MacrosComparedToFunctions
- MakeDepend and MakeLinkDepend
- MfcMessageMapFallacy
- PrivateInheritance
- ProposedAdditionsToCeePlusPlus
- StlFunctionObjects
- StlStyle
- SubstitutionFailureIsNotAnError (SFINAE)
- TemplateMetaprogramming and TemplateMetaprogrammingTechniques
- VeeTable
- WhatEveryCeeProgrammerShouldKnow (UndefinedBehavior)
- CeeRefactorStringsToFunctions
- CppRefactorStructToClass
- RefactoringCppToReduceDependencies
- RefactoringWithCeePlusPlus
Extreme Programming
- CppUnit
- BoostTestLibrary
- CeeUnitTesting
- ConsiderationsForAndComparisonOfCeePlusPlusTestFrameworks
- WhySoManyCeePlusPlusTestFrameworks
Rants and Raves
- CaseStatementsConsideredHarmful
- CeeIsNotThePinnacleOfProcedural
- MythOfCppBloat
- CeePlusPlusReigns
- CeePlusPlusProsAndCons
- CeePlusPlusSux
- CppBashing
- IsBreakStatementArchaic
- ItsTimeToDumpCeeSyntax
- MfcMustDie
- PoorCppProgrammers
- StlSucks
Compilers, Platforms, and IDEs
- ComeauCeePlusPlus
- GnuCee, GnuCpp (GnuCompilerCollection), CppIde
- MinimalistGnuForWindows (MinGW) and CygWin both provide for using GnuCompilerCollection under windows.
- InterfaceBuilder, ProjectBuilder, ExCode
- VisualCeePlusPlus
- LowLevelVirtualMachine (LLVM) includes
- Clang (CeeLanguageFamilyFrontEnd), a compiler and StaticCodeAnalysis tool for C and C++.
- DevCpp, an IDE for C and C++; released under the GPL:
- "A modern Free C compiler for Windows, Pocket PC and Smartphones"
- EclipseIde
- ProgrammingCudaCee (ComputeUnifiedDeviceArchitecture)
CeeCeePlusPlus in Combination With Other Languages
- BoostPythonLibrary
- BridJay (BridJ)
- GeneratingCppFromSmalltalk
- PythonCxxModule
- SimplifiedWrapperAndInterfaceGenerator (SWIG)
- SmalltalkEcks
- MixedLanguageProgramming
Code Samples
- CategoryInManyProgrammingLanguages
- CeeProgramsForBeginners
- CompileTimeGenericAverageFunctionInCeePlusPlus
- DefinitiveCeePlusPlusBooks (great page by fellow WikiZens)
- EffectiveStl
- GenerativeProgrammingBook
- ModernCeePlusPlusDesign
- LargeScaleCppSoftwareDesign
- CppInDepthSeries
- CeePlusPlusAnnotations - help for people who know C and want to learn C++.
Code Documentation
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For page titles:
* CsharpLanguage derives from JavaLanguage, not CeePlusPlus, but just as all bookstores will continue to mix all the C-named language books together, so must your humble WikiWiki...