One of the SmalltalkImplementations; intended for several operating systems. It's free for commercial use, and can compile to CeeLanguage for stand-alone executables. You can also inline other languages.
More information and the download can be found here:
From the webpage:
''Smalltalk/X (ST/X) is a complete implementation of the Smalltalk programming language and development environment, providing:
Object Oriented Programming Language
Integrated Graphical Development Environment with Editors, Browsers, Debugger, etc.
Incremental Compiler and byte code interpreter + dynamic translator (jitter).
Static compiler, generating true binary class libraries (dlls) and executables.
Can generate very small footprint standalone executables which run w.o. image (hello world)
Extensive Class Library (>4500 classes) with many ready-to-use building blocks for Applications.
Provides Classes for many popular protocols (XML, SOAP, FTP, NFS...)
Builtin WebServer, Wiki, HTML with embedded Smalltalk etc.
License free (with a few exceptions), even for commercial work
The implementation of the language and the class library is consistent with the draft ANSI standard as well as the industry standard.''
See also SmalltalkLanguage
CategorySmalltalk CategoryLanguageImplementation