Cyg Win

last modified: April 26, 2009

Cygwin: Making Windows Livable Since the 20th Century.

All the free GNU tools work just fine on win32 systems thanks to CygnusSolutions (taken over by RedHat in 2000?). Windows can be used as just another *NIX now. Cygwin is broken up into many different packages, so you can pick and choose what software you need - kind of like a Linux package system, but not as sophisticated.




Tragic Irony:

To score contracts written under the influence of some brainless "POSIX required" verbiage, MicroSoft added a subsystem to WinNt called "POSIX" which did nothing. So we had to wait for an OpenSource free-ware solution for WinNt to really do Un*x-style things!

An alternative is to work exclusively on Unix and cross-compile for Windows, targeting either CygWin, if you want to program Windows as if it was UNIX, or MinimalistGnuForWindows (MinGW), which links against Microsoft's C runtime libraries.

CygWin QuickQuestions

Q Posted in late 2004.


Security aspects

<Moved from Q/A> Does use of this environment (and other packages requiring this environment) compromise my security provisions (e.g. firewall) configured to run under WindowsXp?

Any comments regarding "Apache Cygwin Directory Traversal Vulnerability" listed at I am concerned about CygWin being used as a backdoor as I expect the likes of ZoneAlarm would not know about activities in that area.

Answer: As you may have noted reading this site, Cygwin was one of the few platforms NOT affected by this Apache bug. Besides this, how should Cygwin be used as a backdoor? Unless you install an OpenSSH server, Apache webserver, FTP server, any other included server without protection. In any case you must actively install those programs and configure them to your needs. BTW, ZoneAlarm is able to detect ANY network activity, it doesn't matter on which libraries a program is based. Internally Cygwin uses all kinds of Windows libraries to access the filesystem, the network, ..., like any other Windows program does. Cygwin is just one more DLL. -- GerritHaase - 2005.10.26

See: BetterCygwinTerminal

