Csharp Vs Cpp

last modified: June 25, 2013

Within the MicrosoftDotNet environment both CsharpLanguage and CeePlusPlus are offered, the latter has With Managed Extensions added to the product name since mid 2003.

For comparison between the two, see http://groups.google.com/groups?th=bb6a628756b1703d where the second entry of the thread show some impressive capabilities of the latter, namely in ItJustWorks, which is very important in ComInterOp that serves as a bridging technology between ComponentObjectModel and DotNet.

Advantages of CeeSharp:

Advantages of CeePlusPlus:

Something that people don't seem to realize about C++ is that you can implement a lot these fancy language features from other languages in C++. For example, people complain about having to deal with memory management...not only does STL get rid of the need for allocating memory in many cases, garbage collectors have been written for C++. The response I usually get to that point is that "that requires additional upfront programming." Well, yes. *Someone* has to do the programming (just like *someone* did the programming to get a particular feature into a language). Does it have to be you? No, most of the features people want have already been implemented (ever hear of sourceforge?).

Anyway, I realize that there doesn't exist a language that is good for every job. My point is that C++ is flexible enough and strong enough to achieve most of those jobs with relative ease (and even more ease once it's been done once).

Can we get a list of things one can do in C++, but not in C#, and the other way around?

If you mean tasks, then no. Both are TuringComplete. The question is not what can be done, but what is simpler for a given programmer in a given language. Maybe a list of how primary language features compare to each other is what you want?

Here's a quick list:

See LanguagePissingMatch

CategoryProgrammingLanguageComparisons, CategoryCeeSharp, CategoryCpp
