As someone who has used (and enjoyed) MicrosoftVisualStudio and (especially enjoyed) MSDN for as long as they have been around, please rest assured that no Microsoft Bashing is therein intended.
Catharsis having its good points, however :
MFC is evil and must die
Close inspection of MicroSoft's recent upgrade rate to this library, compared to WTL and ATL, would appear to reveal MS's own policy might be MfcMustDie too... --PCP
Maybe MFC must die. I haven't enjoyed the pleasure, or suffered the pain, of working with it for about four years. But maybe it is wise to consider what MFC's legacy will be. Are "FoundationClasses" in general a worthwhile idea ?
You can't be implying that MFC had anything to do with the idea of foundation classes? There were many foundation and framework libraries around for years before MFC. I guess you could say that MFC succeeded despite itself because the idea of foundation classes has always been a good one.
Hmm... "MFC Must Die" sounds too much like MojoNixon's "Don Henley Must Die". Maybe something more hardcore, like "KMFMFC"....
See also : JavaServerFoundationClasses
Meta discussion in WhenToDeletePages