The directives you give your C or C++ compiler so that it'll use functionality outside of the standard library.
These are hard to find.
For example, you need to use special library inclusions if you want to use:
Unfortunately, these flags are not well-documented, so if you have to roll your own makefile, it takes an awful lot more programmer-hours than it should.
Are there any tips for deriving C flags faster? Are there any websites that enumerate what flags to use on which library? Help!
See the documentation for the "pkg-config" command under POSIX systems. The original concept appeared when GTK+-1 was released (named gtk-config), and typically used as such:
gcc -c -o myProgram.o myProgram.c $(pkg-config --cflags yourLibrary)
ld -o myProgram myProgram.o $(pkg-config --libs yourLibrary)
Some folks also use the older `-notation.
A pkg-config-like tool requires no more than a shell or make utility which supports proper order-of-operations syntax.
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