There's a good amount of original poetry, parody, and FilkMusic on Wiki. Sadly, they can be hard to link up and become orphans lost in the WikiIceberg. Here's an initial stab at getting some noticed. (please put them in alphabetical order)
- AlicesRestaurant
- But that page doesn't contain poetry or lyrics original to this site.
- CeeShanty
- ComputerErrorHaiku
- DontPlanDesigns
- FleasAdInfinitum
- HaiKu
- ItMakesaFellowProudToBeaCoder
- LikeStoriesInTheWorkFlow
- LojbanPoem
- LumberjackMoment
- MagneticPoetry
- MeetingHaiku
- MrId
- OnlinePoetry
- OnlyMoreSo
- OptionsForNuthin
- PoemsAboutMethodology
- PoemWiki
- PoetryInSandbox
- PointyHairedManagersSong
- ProgrammersPoem
- RefactorLowHangingFruit
- RefactorNotMyPunctuation
- RenGa
- RhymeMe
- SarbanesOxleyAct
- SheChangeDesignInTheDatabase
- ShortPoems
- TheArchitectSong
- TooMuchEmail
- TopicalityHomesickBlues
- WikiBlackmailNote
- WikiGnomePoem
- WikiWikiThemeSong
- XpHaiku
- XpHammer
- YouDontMessAroundWithBill
Additional fun with the EnglishLanguage:
CategoryRoadMap, CategorySillySongs, CategoryWhimsy