Wiki Gnome Poem

last modified: November 14, 2013

there s an little Gnome inside his awe is every moment to deside whats and how to live or die

Its quite life behind the stage no comments can fit his pride

the gnome fits you the gnome fits me he like to whistle "and its one, two, three, four whatever wer'e fighting for we fight for u an' me just for comunity"

all the time he is gnooming

-- (pardon my english, i learnd it only on the road:) VlastimilWondratschek

Please leave the poem as it currently is; it has a charming WabiSabi beauty. If it does get changed, copes of the original are at (pseudo-wiki) and (raw text). I felt it had a bit of Lennon going for it.

This poem is a great test for one's inner WikiGnome. I see the errors and misspellings and my fingers just itch to clean it up!

And yet you resist, for beauty's sake. You have passed the first test, grasshopper.

