"Look sir, look sir, Mister Knoxley.
We'll have some fun with Sarbanes-Oxley.
First I'l make a slick trick cash stash.
You can make a pump-dump stock smash."
"I don't like this Mister Fox sir.
We're letting audit firms control our SOX sir."
"Try to say this, Mister Knoxley, please.
Thru three tax trees a fee freeze flew.
So three fax fleas had a shredder cheese chew.
Their bennies bought them sound bites on the N.B.C. News
And that's what gave the S.E.C. clues!"
"This won't work, you SOX Fox, sir.
Off you'll jerk into a SOX, sir!"
"Let's have a little talk about data tables.
"When RDBMS tables tattle it's called tattle table data.
When RDBMS tables tattle on your navel it's called
navel tattle table data. And when data tables tattle
on your navel with a label, it's a navel label tattle
table. And when data tables tattle on your navel with
a label in a haven, it's a haven navel label tattle
table. And when you swear on the Bible and babble about
your data table tattle, and your navel with a label's in
a haven in the islands, that's what they call a
babble Bible island haven navel label table tattle!
"Mister Knoxley, our game is done, sir.
And now we are both on the run, sir."