Top Ten Wiki Engines

last modified: September 9, 2014

This list is currently accepting your nominations and suggestions.

This page was created more as a question than as an answer. Your comments and corrections are requested.

Criteria for the Top-Ten list

    • Best of Class (best for a particular purpose, such as a large public wiki, small personal wiki, etc)
    • Outstanding Features (based on your personal subjective preferences and informed opinion)
    • General Popularity (number of sites using it, number of downloads)


Pending Nominations

If a WikiEngine should be added to this list, please add it. If a WikiEngine should not be on the list, please comment.

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It would be very interesting if wiki users could comment on their choice.

A list of WikiEngines with most "outstanding features" would be nice, but the above isn't it yet!

Is there a general consensus about the short list of best of WikiEngines?

WikiEnginesComparingWikis compares several popular WikiEngines in a feature table format.

Very interesting list indeed! I wonder which is the most downloaded wiki after Usemod. Probably PmWiki. It could be interesting to mention what each has that the others don't have.

For MediaWiki I don't know, but it's probably not all that widely used as all the news it gets might suggest. OTOH you could easily get your 10-entry reduced list from the WikiEngines list if you just removed the unmaintained (more than two thirds are dead).

See also the discussion of What Clone Should I Use at WikiEngine on MeatballWiki.

Is this an OpenSource-only page? If not, I'd add ProWikiSoftware to that list. It is currently used by about 80 wiki projects and most of them are living. It is only 3rd or 4th in feature count, but they are consistent and optimized for use in communities. It's also fractal in nature, so any branch (even page) of the wiki can have its own layout, rules or rights. Note FreeWikisForSchools. -- HelmutLeitner


PmWiki is compared to PhpWiki and TikiWiki at

I am currently wrestling with the decision of which software to choose as an upgrade for one of the wiki communities that my company sponsors. This page seems to present all of the 'top' contenders, however, having spent several days reviewing quite a few of them, I find I am having a lot of trouble comparing their features. It sure would be helpfull to have a short list of the attributes that were considered when the engines listed here were posted. Anyone care to suggest their criteria for including the software listed on this page? -- HansWobbe.

Check out and, for a comparison of the features of different wikis.

On my quest for a corporate wiki, I encountered other products not mentioned here that offer a kind of 'Wiki engine', such as Daisy and AtlassianConfluence, to just pick some examples. Are they considered also as WikiEngines or is there a more appropriate category for these 'not just a Wiki' products, please? -- BenVerberck.

Daisy, being a Content Management System product with Wiki front-end, build on top of an Apache Cocoon framework. See Atlassian Confluence, an enterprise wiki for team collaboration, based on JavaLanguage, used by many enterprises. See AtlassianConfluence.

TiddlyWiki is an interesting case. It's a stand-alone "Wiki" implemented in JavaScript as a single web page, with the ability to edit and save copies of it. This explanation may seem a little unclear; if so, see the web page for a better explanation. It's a little hard to say if this is a Wiki in the usual sense or not, but it would probably work as a personal Wiki page.

There are some server side TiddlyWiki adaptations too, which do look like an ordinary wiki. For instance, see 20100622)

The best opensource wiki out there is Dekiwiki. It has an awesom wysiwyg editor and its user friendly and easy to setup. They have a step by step manual! If you tired of looking for options then try DekiWiki. Get the opensource release from sourceforge. Dont get it confused with the commerical release of this product. A really really great wiki. I wish I had found it sooner. I tried at least 30 wiki's and this on pwns all. Its Derived from one of the greatest wiki's, mediawiki, but it is an enhanced user friendly version. It runs on Windows XP and a few other OS operating systems aswell Enjoy ;)

The preceding message was brought to you by Dekiwiki.

TracWiki is probably a contender in terms of user base. While it's more than "just" a wiki, is becoming a defacto standard for open source project management. The extra-wiki features are probably boosting its wiki "market" share more than its wiki features, though, and new competition from projects like RedMine may threaten its continued growth.

What about wikis on IIS then? Yes, what a horrible thought... Unfortunately I had the sad task of having to find one. I came up with Noodlewiki and Openwiki. There must be more. Where?

KwikiKwiki is dead. Added MojoMojo as the leading OSS Perl-based wiki, powered by CatalystFramework and DBIC

Moved to the nominations section as it was inserted by the same author who wrote a description of it in the first person. It has many features in common with ZwiKi which is in the same category. -- JohnFletcher

Added FosWiki, the TWiki fork after the schism of October 2008. Re-added MojoMojo after updating its page with YAPC::NA 2009 presentation and mention in the new CatalystFramework book. Moved DidiWiki to the bottom, and removed UseModWiki from he top 10, as both have been abandoned since 2007. -- DanDascalescu

We were using PBwiki but its too expensive. Then we tried FOSwiki. It seems to do everything (Chinese didn't work though), but its just way too complicated. Now we are looking at XWiki. Our main concerns are...

3/21/2013: why isn't twiki listed? sure, some contributors forked off to form foswiki but twiki still exists. "TWiki got nominated as a finalist for Best Project for the Enterprise" in 2009 it would be nice if there were dates on this site other than last edited.

I vote for Confluence. I haven't seen an opensource wiki that comes anywhere near it in terms of features and functionality. I also agree with removing the engines that aren't being actively maintained (no updates in over 12 months?)

BH - Confluence is very feature rich but also expensive. Plugins that were free are not priced, which drove our annual maintenance up 4x from last year.

OTC, Confluence is arguably no longer a wiki at all since the internal representation switched to XHTML -- they no longer do wiki syntax.

30 JAN 2014: I too think that TWiki should be on the list. I do believe that the project pushes much faster ahead than its fork, FosWiki, which seems kinda deadish with only minor maintenance releases coming out with LONG periods of silence in-between. TWiki on the other hand seems very alive and for all I know has a large installed base in corporate intranets.

29 MAR 2014: Regarding TWiki promotion, may I suggest you actually look at the SVN logs? Most checkins are minor documentation, spelling, or whitespace adjustments: two users dominate, and it has all the appearances of manufacturing activity. Foswiki development has slowed since the fork but still substantially exceeds that of TWiki in actual content-ful checkins. That's perhaps why the flow of patches is primarily one-way, from Foswiki to TWiki (e.g. their mining of several years of TinyMCE patches recently after long ignoring the input interface).

DokuWiki has the best combination of easy-to-installness, extensibility and ease of use. It should be your first install and only investigate the others if DokuWiki can't do it. Much of this list has the feeling of MaintenanceMode about it.


