From MoviesToConsider
War movies:
- ApocalypseNow - The horror, the horror
- ThinRedLine
- TheGreatEscape
- TheDirtyDozen
- HenryTheFifth
- LawrenceOfArabia
- EnemyAtTheGates - First movie I've ever seen accurately depicting World War II from the Russian point of view. (Too bad it sucked).
- DerUntergang - The last days of Hitler.
- DasBoot
- FullMetalJacket - "Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?"
Guilty-Pleasure Violence:
- SinCity
- KillBill (or anything by QuentinTarantino, really)
- TheMatrix
- ClockworkOrange - banned in the UK (No, it is now available. It was never actually banned, but the director refused to release it in the UK!)
- In Australia ... I do recall that it wasn't available on video, but I think this was actually at the behest of Kubrick - no? -- PeterMerel
- Was it not withdrawn in the UK, by Kubrick, after his family had received threats from people who thought that the film promoted violence, or something equally nonsensical?
- Apparently there were some copycat crimes in the UK in the year following its release.
- Yes, it was never banned in the UK, but quietly withdrawn by Kubrick. The reasons were never made clear. A stage version was performed in UK theatres however. The movie was recently reissued for UK cinema distribution, now that he is no longer with us.
- Wasn't it that the censors wanted it cut, and Kubrick withdrew it rather than do so?
- XmenMovie
- EnemyOfTheState - much better than anticipated, worth renting
- ThinRedLine In here twice?
- PulpFiction
- Falling Down
- Platoon
- Saving Private Ryan
- StarWars
- JackieChan's Legend of Drunken Master
- JetLi's Legend of Fong Sai-Yuk
- FightClub - "This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."
- I Kina spiser de hunde -- I absolutely loved this one <>
- Thursday -- Almost completely in one setting and with brilliant actors <>
Gripping And Moving:
- The Godfather I & II (but not III)
- TaxiDriver, RagingBull (or almost anything with DeNiro)
- "The Sixth Sense" is very good: Semi-romance, semi-nurturing, and a mild ghost story. But not nearly as violent or gory as other recent ghost stories.
- Three Colours Red/White/Blue (see them as a triple bill if possible).
- Palookaville
- War and Peace (the Bondarchuk movie)
- War and Peace is my favorite book. I have read and studied it multiple times. The reason I think this movie is a faithful version of the book within the limits of film is that it contains only key scenes from the book that I recalled from my reading as having distinct and dense purpose. These chosen scenes not only are of key dramatic value but illustrate important and worthy points that the novel addresses. Pierre and Natasha are portrayed dead on, and the sordid party scene with Pierre and Dolokov is done splendidly with appropriate lunacy. If War and Peace is one of your favorite books, see this film!
- LifeIsBeautiful
- BringingOutTheDead (also funny, when it's not Gripping and Moving)
- Summer of Sam <-- Noted anthropologist SpikeLee surveys NYC in 1977
- ThreeKings Clever film about the GulfWar
- Vanilla Sky (very hard to classify, but _very_ good if you want your brain twisted)
- The Shawshank Redemption On the value of hope
Educational Horror
- PiTheMovie - [low budget; gritty. Very interesting to watch.]
- Alien ~ as dreadfully realistic as the failed parody attempt "Independence Day", if you realize the universe has no prerequisite for evolving morals, the same strengths and weaknesses as earthlings, or scruples against parasitism
- JacobsLadder
- TheWall
- CubeMovie
- TheVanishing (1988)
- The Serpent and the Rainbow (best depiction of Voodoo I've seen)
- Titus (AnthonyHopkins plays WilliamShakespeare's Titus Andronicus)
Really Good Horror
The Hunt for Red October -- military thriller
- per my ex-girlfriend, from a Vietnamese fishing village: "Let's see 'Hunt for Red Octopus'!"
- "Give me a ping, Vasily. One ping only, please." I don't know why, but for some reason that line is just so cool.
- "Then I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman, and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. [...] And in winter I will live in Arizona. Perhaps I shall need two wives.? Indeed.
Memento -- psychological thriller
About a man who can't form new memories who is trying to track down his wife's killer. Uses notes, Polaroids, and tattoos to keep his facts straight, but is susceptible to manipulation by other characters. Main action scenes are presented in reverse order, interwoven with backstory in regular order, converging on a surprising ending of the movie. Takes several viewings and a lot of thought to unravel what's going on, and even then you can't be sure about what's actually happened. Very thought provoking, some humorous moments to break up the tension...
I absolutely loved this movie! A rather chilling portrayal of a man caught in the WikiNow. Also highly recommend "Following", a clever film noir effort by the same director.
Oh, hell yeah! This is a fantastic movie! Definitely rent it. I also recommend "Following", though not quite as highly. I have to be in a particular mood to really enjoy film noir, otherwise the plot twists can seem too contrived. "Following" is an excellent example of the film noir genre. If you like the genre, you'll definitely like the movie.
For the original short story that inspired the movie, read I haven't seen the movie, but the story was excellent and very disturbing.
Safe House -- psychological thriller
- somewhat unknown but very good whodunnit about an ex-CIA agent that may be succumbing to the affects of Alzheimer's or age-related confusion but who may have special information that somebody would kill for. Patrick Stewart (I think that is the guy - captain on Star Trek Next Generation) does a fine job of acting.
- * agreed. I saw this a fews years back, and it does a great job of tension, and humor.