Sin City

last modified: July 20, 2005

Frank Miller's comic and movie.

It was an exquisite pleasure to see SinCity appear on the big screen. Marv, Hartigan, and Dwight in all their gory glory, scene for scene, shot for shot. So gritty the grit becomes fantastic, like RedHarvest on dope. Musta took tremendous guts on the part of all involved, no pun, for this thing to happen.

Of course the story doesn't translate well across the board. A lot of the acting is stilted. A lot of the dialog is wordy. Plot devices that work in comics - the rescue from the tar, the glass shard to cut the rope, the swim through the sewer - don't on screen.

But others work better. Marv spilling pills. Gail laughing over the uzis. Blood splashing Miho's face.

24 hours reflection leaves the Mickey Rourke - no relation? - Marv rendition as the highlight. The first few scenes the facial prosthesis hampers him. But by half-way you just can't tell it's not Marv. And you start to pity the poor sad slobs in his path.

Willis as Hartigan has the opposite problem - he looks too much like Willis. But again by half way you don't care any more - he gets wrinkled enough so it doesn't matter. He carries it.

One of the MoviesToConsider and ComicBooksToConsider

OffTopic DeletionCandidate

Say that there is one damn fine coat you're wearing ...
