Please classify:
Lola Rennt / RunLolaRun
The Last Castle - Hollywood Predictable
The Passenger
EraserHead (remade years later by Molly Ringwald as ShesHavingABaby)
- Haven't seen ShesHavingABaby but this must be a joke (after all, "they're not even sure it is a baby yet!)
TheHiddenFortress (Kakushi toride no san akunin)
Ran (Kurosawa's King Lear) Would probably work better if you read Will first. "Do not move!"
Paths of Glory
The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser (Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle)
Blood Simple
Sante Sangra
The Man Facing Southeast
The Element of Crime
The Blues Brothers + The Blues Brothers 2000 (humor?) [Partly humour - from SaturdayNightLive - but also a successful attempt to popularise BluesMusic] Comedy, music (blues, country, funk, bluegrass...), car chasing, best and most massive police car trashing and "We are on mission from god!".
Billy Elliot
Walkabout -- [I assume this is "Walkabout (1971)" --]
True Stories
LaStory -- [Do you mean ?]
GroundhogDay -- how'd this get left out?
See CowboyMovies too (...if you're into that kind of thing. ;-)
BTW, it would make MUCH more sense to have InterWiki links to InternetMovieDatabases.
Consider moving the MoviesToConsider to a movie Wiki?
Even if I knew who was paying for those "reviews", I'd still MUCH rather read commentary by fellow programmers with more than two brain cells to rub together. --PhlIp
Personally, I don't find movie commentary useful AT ALL unless I personally know the person who makes it. That's because what movies one likes depends upon one's philosophy of life, and most people's philosophies give them ulteriour motives to promote movies which are total crap. Being a programmer has no bearing on this issue. -- DanielKnapp
Why would one want to promote crap movies? (I can think of some reasons, but they might not be the same as yours...)
Isn't there a way to give personal ratings, and if you stumble apon one that you like, you could check out other movies rated by the person, ones by personal groupings. . . I am thinking like a peer to peer movie rating system.
And if you wish to BUY a used movie -- for half price or less -- see HalfDotCom
Of course you'd want to know -- MoviesWorthBuying.
This sure is a big list. But is it a useful one? (See WikiGreatFoobarLists)
I think no. We should delete the page and start over again. PlanToThrowOneAway.
I liked that movie this summer where the Good Guy got chased around by a lot of CGI...
See also: BadAssVillain, CategoryMovie
CategoryIndex CategoryOffTopic