Pulp Fiction

last modified: November 10, 2014

Genre of writing. "Pulp" was the lowest quality of paper and the cheapest. Low production costs meant frequent typo and rehash of other work. Derivitive. Popularist.

Curiously both progressive as well as conservative in tone.

Pulp magazines included all types of fiction: science fiction, horror, super-hero, AND crime genres. Doc Savage, Conan the Barbarian, and TheShadow were pulp fiction success stories. AsimovsFoundation novels were originally shorter stories in Astounding Science Fiction magazine.

Modern day pulp adventure can be found in sources ranging from the Indiana Jones, Hellboy, and Sky Captain films to James Rollins's adventure novels (http://www.jamesrollins.com) to works that are straight-out homage to the old pulps, such as the Doc Wilde stories written by Tim Byrd (http://www.DocWilde.com).

Also a fairly cool movie by QuentinTarantino, starring John Travolta, Samuel Jackson, Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis, among others. See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110912/, TheBaddestEnding.

It's a great movie, i love it!

This movie also re-launched John Travolta as an actor
