The Baddest Ending

last modified: January 18, 2005

"Baddest" as in BadMeaningGood. Especially used in conjunction with action movies.

Disclaimer - if you have not seen some of these movies take caution reading this page as it contains many spoilers

Candidates include:

TheGangsOfNewYork has a virtuoso fight scene that would surely have been a candidate for TheBaddestEnding, if it had appeared at the end of the movie. However, it appears at the very beginning. MartinScorcese --- what a nut!

If there was a "TheBaddestBeginning" I would nominate TimeCop when the old western (Union?) soldiers are plodding through the rain and intercepted by what looks like a real straggler "goldminer" - the furthest looking scene from ScienceFiction all of a sudden he brings out his high tech weapons with laser finder and "relieves" them all of their gold to take forward in time.

See TheSaddestEnding, TheWorstEnding, TheStrangestEnding.

