LifePatterns is intended to be a catalog of workable alternatives for people who have already invested a lot of life into their preparing, or performing duties in a career related to computing.
Hopefully there can be a lot of positive and practical templates developed for people to think about.
See also LeadershipPatterns
Nearly sixty years ago, at the end of the second world war, most people who were alive did not have good prospects. They did have something that the modern twenty-first century did not have, including:
- much smaller population
- no globalization as we know today
- slower pace of life and less distractions
- most members of the society focussed on rebuilding
- more spiritual
As members of the twentyfirst century we have these advantages (see note at end):
- More lessons from History
- Better education
- More technology, advancement in behavioral sciences
- more material wealth that can be used in a constructive manner.
- Longer lifespans that can be used for learning the lessons of life.
LifePatterns include:
Some advocate a PurposeDrivenLife, which would sweep away dark moments where one would feel LifeIsReallyPointless.
- Statistically it was said during times of crisis, there are less people in depression.
See also: LifeVectors
WhatAmiDoingAboutIt is a attitude not seen much in these busy days of the start of the 21st century.
AnythingGoes is the prevalent pattern.
Note: Above statements have a FirstWorldCulturalAssumption
CategoryLifeStrategies, CategoryBigPicture