CategoryLeadershipPatterns: Leadership Patterns (for good LeaderShip that is ;)
- LeadByExample.
- ForgeTheTeam (see PeopleWare's "pizza party"), then let them loose.
- GetToKnowYourPeoplesSkills, and use people according to their skills.
- GetOutOfTheWay if necessary (minimize interference).
- DoYourJob, i.e. manage people, don't do their job. But keep in contact with what that job is about.
- AssignProblemsNotTasks
- ToFightEvilWorkOnTheGood
- PraiseBasedLeadership
- CoachingLeadership
- ImproveYourTeam
- GrowingYourTeam
- ForgeLeaders
See also: LeadershipAntiPatterns SelfImprovementPatterns