zL Work Bench
It is an old habit. Even in Wiki I need to jot notes to my self or my team in a perhaps strange combination of nested outlines of thoughts containing a KeyWord or cryptic comment. The trick for me is even after I have captured an entire creation as far as I am concerned, is to figure how to tranform the singleton words into sentences and paragraphs and turn my strange thoughtline into something other people call a document.
<smile at the nice editor>
is the goal created by Douglas C. Engelbart in 1957.
- "augmenting the human intellect" -- DougEngelbart 1957
- 'Within weeks I had committed my career to "augmenting the human intellect."' -- DougEngelbart 1985
Douglas C. Engelbart in December 1985 (for his lecture on "The Augmented Knowledge Workshop" at the ACM Conference "The History of Personal Workstations") when he is describing the Genesis of his "Framework" (AugmentationFramework) quotes himself from 1957.
- The Augmented Knowledge Workshop
- Genesis - Paragraph 2E
In December 2000, DougEngelbart received the USA National Medal of Technology for 2000, for "creating the foundations of personal computing".
There is very good article (with a silly title) written Feb 2001 in The Almanac News that fills in some of the history from 1985-2001 along with some of the things still to come from "Doug Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution" and the AugmentationFramework.
- The Almanac News - Cover Story 21-Feb-2001
- Cover Story 21-Feb-2001
-- LantzRowland
By 1962 the "Framework" (AugmentationFramework) for AugmentingHumanIntellect in 1957 had been refined into the AugmentationSystem with it's two subsystems.
- The Augmentation System
- The Human System
- The Tool System
"I broke the many parts of the Augmentation System into two main sub-systems: one contained all of the hardware, software and other artifacts -- the Tool System; and all the rest of it I called the Human System. Note that the Human System contains our natural languages, and the conceptualizations and formalisms of every discipline: an overwhelming network of invention. (Sometimes, in the early years, I called these the Service System and the User System). 6A1B" -- DougEngelbart 1985
- The Augmented Knowledge Workshop
- A Chronology of Events - 1962 - Paragraph 6A1B
"Made a public debut at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco, December." -- DougEngelbart 1985
- The Augmented Knowledge Workshop
- A Chronology of Events - 1968 - Paragraph 6G4
This "public debut" on Dec 9th 1968 of the state of the AugmentationSystem is commonly referred to as TheMotherOfAllDemos.
Doug Engelbart's SRI laboratory computer was the second node added to the ARPAnet and in 1969 received the first message sent on the ARPAnet.
Rpt-62J: "Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework," Summary Report, Stanford Research Institute, on Contract AF 49(638)-1024, October 1962, 134 pp, Engelbart, D. C. 9B1
Pub-63-Frame: "A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Man's Intellect," in Vistas in Information Handling, Howerton and Weeks (Editors), Spartan Books, Washington, D. C., 1963, pp. 1-29. Engelbart, D. C. 9C2
Pub-68-ResCen: "A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect," AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Vol. 33, Fall Joint Computer Conference, San Francisco, December 1968, pp. 395-410 FJCC 1968. (AUGMENT,3954,), Engelbart, D. C., W. K. English 9C4
I have a tendency to use the phrase "Augmentation Of the Human Intellect" to describe the mission and others (including Doug) have different variations of that original quote to try to communicate the concept.
It is the HumanSystem subsystem of the AugmentationSystem Framework that has always been the important part of AugmentingHumanIntellect, not the ToolSystem subsystem.
Identifing the requirement for HumanPointingInterface in the HumanSystem was more important towards advancing the goal of AugmentingHumanIntellect than
the ChordSet , the Mouse
The quote is
From Workstation History and the Augmented Knowledge Workshop - 4-Dec-85
Category Quote
AugmentingHumanIntellect AugmentingTheHumanIntellect
- [!- both are correct first public paper vs earlier quote]
- 'Within weeks I had committed my career to "augmenting the human intellect."' --DougEngelbart
- The goal DougEngelbart created and started to pursue in 1957
- Workstation History and the Augmented Knowledge Workshop - 4-Dec-85
- Genesis of AugmentationSystem and TheHumanSystem
AugmentationSystem AugmentedKnowledge
- TheHumanSystem
- TheToolSystem
- Most people assume TheToolSystem was the important part
- Most people only credit DougEngelbart with inventing the mouse
- The mouse was only one tiny part of TheToolSystem
- GraphicHumanInterface not GraphicUserInterface (GraphicalUserInterface?)
- "zL DrE - Dr Douglas C. Engelbart" -- LantzRowland
- SmalltalkLanguage SmallTalk
- Created and guided by the authors and designers of the SmalltalkLanguage.
- Dan Ingles and AlanKay Adel
- Created and guided by the authors and designers of the SmalltalkLanguage.
- CategorySmalltalk
- DoesNotUnderstand SubclassResponsibility ShouldNotImplement AssertKwdMsg
- WikiName Usage Notes - 23-Mar-2001
- WikiWikiClones
- xRefFrom: WikiClone WikiClones WikiWikiClone
- WikiEngine WikiEngines
- WikiForum WikiForums
- WikiFarm WikiFarms
- WikiWeb [WikiWebs is not used]
- xRefTo: WikiWikiWeb
- WikiWikiClones
- WikiForum isKindOf: WikiWeb [ Nth thought --LantzRowland]
- SqueakWiki is a WikiWeb WikiForum about SqueakSmalltalk
- An image of the SqueakWiki WikiWeb is on the SqueakCD
WikiForum ==> WikiWeb [early thoughts, now disagree --LantzRowland]
- SqueakWiki is a WikiWeb about SqueakSmalltalk
- SqueakWiki is a WikiForum about SqueakSmalltalk
- I really love WikiEngine factored out of WikiClone
- SqueakWiki uses the SqueakComanche WikiEngine
- xRef: WikiEngines WikiWikiEngine WikiEngines
- WikiPrinciples
- WikiPrinciples
- WikiName
- AutomaticLinkGeneration
- ContentEditableByAll
- CooperativeAuthoring
- A collection of WikiPage is a WikiWeb
- WikiNature
- WikiComunity
- WikiPrinciples
- WikiStyle ==> WikiStyleSheet
- WikiStyleSheet is more accurate and flexible
- WikiCssStyle is better than WikiStyle, but constraining
- ManilaByDaveWiner
- ManilaWiki
- INetGroupWiki
- INetGroupManilaWiki
- RadioWiki
- ManilaWiki
I have been a long time advocate of the ThoughtProcessor style HumanInterface of a Tool called More [ ref ] by DaveWiner . While More got abandoned as a product , a new DaveWiner company UserLand created Frontier and ventured off into the realm of a Scriptible ObjectDatabase that has grown over the years.
In December 1999 UserLand offered free web sites on their new FrontierManila server EditThisPage. The offer was obviously designed to catch me and it did, so I have been experimenting with the ManilaInterface feeling some frustrations over the constraints imposed on what features available in Frontier ThePowersThatBe feel should be locked and unavailable to web.
[ more ]
- Q - What is the problem?
- A - I am not sure yet...
- Q - Why not?
- A - Still trying to define the context...
- Q - ok what is the area?
- A - DougEngelbart TheHumanSystem HumanTool HumanInterface ThoughtProcessing MindMap RelationalVerb ...
- Q - Sounds too big?
- A - Yes. I know the root problem is smaller and that it is in the intersection of the different viewpoints of the same goal ...
- Terms
- Need to Contribute Information to
- DougEngelbart
- SqueakSmalltalk
- ManilaWiki
- RadioWiki
- Contributed Information to
- Wiki References
- Discoveries
- Hmm. Who broke the SpellChecker ?
- It is very confusing
- Hmm. Who broke the SpellChecker ?
Spotted specific request that RandyKramer asked about SqueakSmalltalk versus DolphinSmalltalk from people familiar with both.
- SqueakSmalltalk .
It is the complete OpenSource SmalltalkLanguage that is FreeAsInBeer.
Created and guided by the authors and designers of the SmalltalkLanguage.
- Dan Ingles and AlanKay
The modern update to Smalltalk-80 from an original license one image.
Create MorphicInterface Project instead of ModelViewController Project
SqueakSmalltalk does not yet support ModelViewPresenter
DolphinSmalltalk is a good Win32Smalltalk.
- ModelViewPresenter was a good change to ModelViewController
- Moving your Project from the free to complete version is not that hard
- It does depend on what your Project is
-- LantzRowland
RandyKramer also asked for preference between SmalltalkLanguage, EiffelLanguage and PythonLanguage.
- SqueakSmalltalk .
- Other SmalltalkLanguage
- I love EnvyDeveloper but can rarely afford it
- VisualWorks is very good
- DolphinSmalltalk is good if you are only interested in Win32
- EiffelLanguage is a good language
- For scripting I prefer PerlLanguage over PythonLanguage and use both
- -- LantzRowland
- Other SmalltalkLanguage