ENVY/Developer is a source code and configuration management system for SmalltalkLanguage and JavaLanguage, offered by IBM, and integrated into their VisualAge family of products. It is also supports whoever now owns the companies formerly known as ParcPlace and Digitalk.
Envy/Developer was originally created by Object Technology International, Inc., before they were acquired by IBM. See OTI's Web page (http://www.oti.com/) for details.
-- BobbyWoolf
IBM replaced VisualAge with the EclipseIde -- effectively killing Envy/Developer, in favor of file-based configuration managers such as CVS and SVN.
However third parties support Envy/Developer. Therefore JpMorgan continues to use it through 2009 for its Kapital application (as discussed in IfSmalltalkIsSoGoodWhyDoesNobodyUseIt )
Apparently it was once in a suite called Envy/Manager.
Interesting links:
- http://www.slideshare.net/yannmonclair/13YannDMonclair YannMonclair, slide deck from ESUG 2008 about continuous integration and Kapital "Starting Fresh Every Morning"
- http://www.faqs.org/faqs/smalltalk/ENVY-faq/ (Vikas Malik comp.lang.smalltalk ENVY/Manager FAQ v.1.0 1997 )
- http://c2.com/ppr/envy/ "Partitioning Smalltalk Code into ENVY/Developer Components", BobbyWoolf, 1995, Knowledge Systems Corporation (the ENVY philosophy)