I'm an InformationOrientedProgrammer and ArtificialCreativity researcher in IndianapolisIndiana. I also do work with InformationDataStructure s.
I program mainly in C# (formerly Perl, Java and C++), although I also have used a few other languages.
My home page was http://acblog.net/ The Artificial Creativity Blog
Places I am in part responsible for:
| TheAmericanEconomyIsScreamingInPain | DeclineOfCivility | DevelopedWorldCulturalAssumption | ExtremeProgrammingRoadmap | GermanXpTermForRefactoring | GiftedLabelForChildren | IsGlobalismThreateningTechCareers | JonGrover | GuiShorthand | HyperlinkedTextEditor | IdeaConception | InternationalOutsourcing | MeaningfulNames | PatternFormsTakeSomeGettingUsedTo | PlayHurt | ThePurposeOfComputers | RefactoringMercilesslyHidesTheForest | ScapeGoat | SortingAlgorithms | TipsForBeginners | TuringTest | WarningSignsOfCorporateDoom | WhatIsTheDifferenceBetweenaPatternAndAnInsight | WhyAreWeMakingHistoryHere | WhyDontOthersGetWiki | WikiRewritesHistory
My WalledGardens:
BusinessValueOrientedProgramming | CognitiveTypes | DataAndInformation | EveryWordCanBeAbbreviatedToFourLetters | Since some parts of ExtremeProgramming enable other parts of it, I produced an ExtremeProgrammingEnablingChart in the hope that this could be implemented at my company by knowing in what order its methodologies should be implemented. | KindsOfLiteracy | RelationalDatabaseFieldNames | SanguineProposal | SanguineGuiShorthand | TimingHistory | UniversalHistory | WorldwidePostalCodes | ZinmLanguage |
| RecentChangesOnOtherWikiForums | RandomPages | TopTen | FindPage
Some pages I would like to see created:
WhoShouldDoComputerProgramming | WhoInOurSocietyShouldDoComputerProgramming | WhatAreComputersFor | WhyIsItThatOnlyProgrammersAreAllowedToSayWhataComputerDoes | WhyAreProgrammersNotAllowedToSayWhataComputerDoes | WhatIsaComputer | WhatIsaComputerFor | WhatIsaComputerUsedFor | TheProgrammingElite | ManyFindObjectOrientationHard | ProgrammerElitism | ThePurposeOfComputers | PurposeOfComputers | CognitiveMakeup | CognitiveStyle | SolicitIdea | ApplyIdea | MarketIdea | SellIdea | ComputersAreTools | ComputersAreToolsToExtendOurThinking | ProgramsAreTools | HyperConcept | HyperDiscussion | RefactorDiagram | WikiDiscussion
Bible Verses:
Now then, you demand of any manager that he can be trusted. - I Corinthians 4:2 (Beck)
wandering stars for whom dark gloom is reserved forever. - Jude 1:13b (Beck)
Jon, WorldwidePostalCodes seems a little off-kilter for this site. Have you considered moving it to its own wiki somewhere? Yeah, you're right. I should move this but I have no clue where to move it.