Worldwide Postal Codes

last modified: November 14, 2014

World wide postal codes are a conceptual framework for building teams. This list consists of a set of areas that people can identify themselves as living in so that when they are building teams, it should be easy to match up people living within moving or commuting distance of each other. Sizes are similar throughout the world and tend to map to areas the size of Canadian states (Provinces) American States (States) European States (Nations) African states (Countries) and similar entities throughout the world.

Special emphasis is also given to large islands or archipelagoes of small islands.

Perhaps this list should be renamed WorldwideCommutingAreaCodes

Codes can be obtained from sources such as the US post office the International Organization for Standardization and the top level domain list etc.

 country   postal  nation or
 / area    code    state name
 --------  ------  ----------------------------
 Africa    A0      Africa
 Africa    AN      Angola
 Africa    BF      Burkina Faso
 Africa    BI      Burundi
 Africa    BJ      Benin
 Africa    BW      Botswana
 Africa    CF      Central African Republic
 Africa    CG      R. Congo
 Africa    CM      Cameroon
 Africa    CV      Cape Verde
 Africa    DJ      Djibouti
 Africa    DZ      Algeria
 Africa    EH      Western Sahara
 Africa    ER      Eritrea
 Africa    ET      Ethiopia
 Africa    GB      Guinea-Bissau
 Africa    GH      Ghana
 Africa    GM      Gambia
 Africa    GN      Guinea
 Africa    GO      Gabon
 Africa    GQ      Equatorial Guinea
 Africa    IV      Cote D'Ivoire
 Africa    KE      Kenya
 Africa    KQ      Comoros
 Africa    LE      Sierra Leone
 Africa    LR      Liberia
 Africa    LS      Lesotho
 Africa    MC      Madagascar
 Africa    MJ      Morocco
 Africa    ML      Mali
 Africa    MR      Mauritania
 Africa    MU      Mauritius
 Africa    MW      Malawi
 Africa    MZ      Mozambique
 Africa    NA      Namibia
 Africa    NG      Nigeria
 Africa    NQ      Niger
 Africa    RW      Rwanda
 Africa    SF      South Africa
 Africa    SN      Senegal
 Africa    SO      Somalia
 Africa    SS      Seychelles
 Africa    SU      Sudan
 Africa    SZ      Swaziland
 Africa    TD      Chad / Tschad
 Africa    TG      Togo
 Africa    TU      Tunisia
 Africa    TZ      Tanzania
 Africa    UG      Uganda
 Africa    ZM      Zambia
 Africa    ZR      Zaire / Democratic Republic of Congo
 Africa    ZW      Zimbabwe
 Antarcti  AQ      Antarctica
 Atlantic  GL      Greenland
 Atlantic  SH      Saint Helena
 Australia AE      Australian Capital Territory
 Australia AU      Australia
 Australia NW      New South Wales
 Australia OZ      Northern Territory (Australia)
 Australia QL      Queensland
 Australia SQ      South Australia
 Australia TS      Tasmania
 Australia VI      Victoria
 Australia WE      Western Australia
 Canada    AB      Alberta
 Canada    BC      British Columbia
 Canada    CN      Canada
 Canada    LD      Labrador
 Canada    MB      Manitoba
 Canada    NB      New Brunswick
 Canada    NF      Newfoundland
 Canada    NS      Nova Scotia
 Canada    NT      Northwest Territories
 Canada    NU      Nunavut
 Canada    ON      Ontario
 Canada    PI      Prince Edward Island
 Canada    PQ      St. Pierre and Miquelon
 Canada    QC      Quebec
 Canada    SK      Saskatchewan
 Canada    YT      Yukon Territory
 Cen Asia  AJ      Azerbaijan
 Cen Asia  GE      Georgia (country)
 Cen Asia  KG      Kyrgyzstan
 Cen Asia  KZ      Kazakhstan
 Cen Asia  MG      Mongolia
 Cen Asia  TJ      Tajikistan
 Cen Asia  TM      Turkmenistan
 Cen Asia  UZ      Uzbekistan
 Cen Amer  BZ      Belize
 Cen Amer  CI      Central America
 Cen Amer  CR      Costa Rica
 Cen Amer  EL      El Salvador
 Cen Amer  GT      Guatemala
 Cen Amer  HO      Honduras
 Cen Amer  NI      Nicaragua
 Cen Amer  PM      Panama
 China     AH      Anhui
 China     AO      Aomen
 China     BX      Beijing
 China     CH      China
 China     FU      Fujian
 China     GK      Guangdong
 China     GS      Gansu
 China     GX      Guangxi
 China     GZ      Guizhou
 China     HA      Hainan
 China     HB      Hubei
 China     HE      Hebei
 China     HH      Henan
 China     HJ      Heilongjiang
 China     HK      Hong Kong
 China     HN      Hunan
 China     HX      Shaanxi
 China     JI      Jiangsu
 China     JL      Jilin
 China     JX      Jiangxi
 China     LG      Liaoning
 China     NX      Ningxia
 China     OL      Nei Mongol
 China     QH      Qinghai
 China     SX      Shanxi
 China     TF      Taianjin
 China     XC      Sichuan
 China     XG      Xianggang
 China     XH      Shanghai
 China     XJ      Xinjiang
 China     XN      Shandong
 China     XZ      Xizang
 China     YU      Yunnan
 China     ZH      Zhejiang
 Carribean AW      Aruba
 Carribean BB      Barbados
 Carribean BM      Bermuda
 Carribean BU      Bahamas
 Carribean CB      Carribean
 Carribean CJ      Cayman Islands
 Carribean CU      Cuba
 Carribean DM      Dominica
 Carribean DO      Dominican Republic
 Carribean DS      Saint Martin Island (changed from FS)
 Carribean GD      Grenada
 Carribean GP      Guadeloupe
 Carribean HT      Haiti
 Carribean JM      Jamaica
 Carribean KN      Saint Kitts and Nevis
 Carribean LC      Saint Lucia
 Carribean MQ      Martinique
 Carribean PR      Puerto Rico
 Carribean RX      Montserrat
 Carribean TC      Turks and Caicos Islands
 Carribean TP      Sao Tome and Principe
 Carribean TT      Trinidad and Tobago
 Carribean UV      U.S. Virgin Islands
 Carribean VB      British Virgin Islands
 Carribean VS      Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT
 Carribean ZU      Antigua and Barbuda
 East Asia BQ      Sarawak and Sabah / Borneo
 East Asia BR      Brunei Darussalam
 East Asia EA      East Asia
 East Asia JH      Japan / Hokkaido
 East Asia JK      Japan / Kyushu
 East Asia JP      Japan / Honshu
 East Asia JR      Japan / Ryukyu Islands
 East Asia JS      Japan / Shikoku
 East Asia KH      Cambodia
 East Asia KP      North Korea
 East Asia KR      South Korea
 East Asia LO      Laos
 East Asia MY      Malaysia
 East Asia PH      Philippines
 East Asia SG      Singapore
 East Asia TH      Thailand
 East Asia TW      Taiwan
 East Asia VN      Viet Nam
 Europe    AD      Andorra
 Europe    AI      Albania
 Europe    AT      Austria
 Europe    AX      Azores
 Europe    BE      Belgium
 Europe    BG      Bulgaria
 Europe    BH      Bosnia - Herzegovinia
 Europe    BY      Belarus
 Europe    CC      Canary Islands & Madeira
 Europe    CX      Corsica
 Europe    CY      Cyprus
 Europe    CZ      Czech Republic
 Europe    DE      Deutschland / Germany
 Europe    DK      Denmark
 Europe    EE      Estonia
 Europe    EI      Northern Ireland
 Europe    EK      Montenegro
 Europe    EN      England
 Europe    EO      Monaco
 Europe    ES      Spain
 Europe    EU      Europe
 Europe    FI      Finland
 Europe    FO      Faroe Islands
 Europe    FR      France
 Europe    GG      Guernsey
 Europe    GI      Gibraltar
 Europe    GR      Greece
 Europe    HU      Hungary
 Europe    HV      Croatia/ Hrvatska
 Europe    IC      Iceland
 Europe    IE      Ireland
 Europe    IM      Isle of Man
 Europe    IT      Italy
 Europe    IY      Sicily
 Europe    JE      Jersey
 Europe    KV      Kosovo
 Europe    LI      Liechtenstein
 Europe    LL      Lappland
 Europe    LT      Lithuania
 Europe    LU      Luxembourg
 Europe    LV      Latvia
 Europe    MK      Macedonia (F. Yu. Rep. of)
 Europe    MV      Moldova
 Europe    NL      Netherlands
 Europe    NO      Norway
 Europe    PL      Poland
 Europe    PT      Portugal
 Europe    QN      Sardinia
 Europe    RO      Romania
 Europe    SB      Serbia
 Europe    SE      Sweden
 Europe    SJ      Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands
 Europe    SL      Slavonia
 Europe    SM      San Marino
 Europe    ST      Scotland
 Europe    SV      Slovenia
 Europe    SW      Switzerland
 Europe    TR      Turkey
 Europe    UK      United Kingdom
 Europe    UN      Ukraine
 Europe    VC      Vatican City
 Europe    VK      Slovak Republic
 Europe    VP      Malta
 Europe    WL      Wales
 India     AP      Arunachal Pradesh
 India     AS      Assam
 India     BD      Bangladesh
 India     BP      Bihar
 India     BT      Bhutan
 India     CD      Chandigarh (city)
 India     DD      Daman and Diu (city)
 India     DG      Diego Garcia / British Indian Ocean Territory
 India     DH      Delhi (city)
 India     DN      Dadra and Nagar Haveli (city)
 India     GJ      Gujarat
 India     GW      Goa
 India     HD      India
 India     HL      Meghalaya
 India     HP      Himachal Pradesh
 India     HR      Haryana
 India     IH      Maharashtra
 India     IP      Manipur
 India     KA      Karnataka
 India     KF      Kerala
 India     KU      Jammu and Kashmir
 India     LK      Sri Lanka
 India     LW      Lakshadweep
 India     MM      Myanmar
 India     MP      Madhya Pradesh
 India     NP      Nepal
 India     OD      Nagaland
 India     OS      Orissa
 India     PD      Pondicherry (city)
 India     PJ      Punjab
 India     RJ      Rajasthan
 India     TN      Tamil Nadu
 India     TQ      Tripura
 India     UP      Uttar Pradesh
 India     WB      West Bengal
 India     WM      Sikkim
 India     XA      Andaman and Nicobar Islands
 India     XV      Maldives
 India     YH      Andhra Pradesh
 Indonesia BL      Bali
 Indonesia ED      East Timor
 Indonesia IJ      Irian Jaya
 Indonesia IU      Indonesia Other
 Indonesia JV      Java
 Indonesia KL      Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo)
 Indonesia PN      Papua New Guinea
 Indonesia TI      Timor (Indonesia)
 Indonesia PB      Sumatra
 Indonesia XM      Maluku
 Indonesia XR      Sulawesi / Celebes
 Mid East  AF      Afghanistan
 Mid East  AM      Armenia
 Mid East  BA      Bahrain
 Mid East  EG      Egypt
 Mid East  HZ      Saudi Arabia
 Mid East  IQ      Iraq / Irak
 Mid East  IR      Iran
 Mid East  IS      Israel
 Mid East  JO      Jordan
 Mid East  KW      Kuwait
 Mid East  LB      Lebanon
 Mid East  LY      Libyan Arab Jamhiriya
 Mid East  OM      Oman
 Mid East  PK      Pakistan
 Mid East  PS      Palestinian Teritory
 Mid East  QA      Qatar / Katar
 Mid East  SY      Syria
 Mid East  UA      United Arab Emirates
 Mid East  YE      Yemen
 Mid East  YI      Sokotra (part of Yemen)
 Mexico    AV      Aguascalientes
 Mexico    BN      Baja California Norte
 Mexico    BS      Baja California Sur
 Mexico    CP      Campeche
 Mexico    CS      Chiapas
 Mexico    DF      Districto Federal (Mexico)
 Mexico    DR      Durango
 Mexico    FE      Flores
 Mexico    GF      Guerrero
 Mexico    GV      Guanajuato
 Mexico    HG      Hidalgo
 Mexico    HQ      Coahuila
 Mexico    IZ      Mizoram
 Mexico    JA      Jalisco
 Mexico    LM      Colima
 Mexico    LQ      Nuevo Leon
 Mexico    LX      San Luis Potosi
 Mexico    MX      Mexico
 Mexico    OA      Oazaca
 Mexico    PU      Puebla
 Mexico    QE      Queretaro
 Mexico    QR      Quintana Roo
 Mexico    TA      Tamaulipas
 Mexico    TB      Tabasco
 Mexico    TL      Tlaxcala
 Mexico    UH      Chihuahua
 Mexico    UQ      Michoacan
 Mexico    VZ      Vera Cruz
 Mexico    XQ      Morelos
 Mexico    YC      Yucatan
 Mexico    YW      Anguilla
 Mexico    ZA      Zacatecas
 Mexico    ZS      Sinaloa
 Mexico    ZT      Sonora
 Pacific   CK      Cook Islands
 Pacific   CQ      Northern Mariana Islands
 Pacific   EM      South Georgia / South Sandwich Islands
 Pacific   FH      Mayotte Island
 Pacific   FJ      Fiji Islands
 Pacific   FM      Federated States of Micronesia
 Pacific   FS      American Samoa (changed from PP)
 Pacific   FT      French Southern Territories
 Pacific   FW      Wallis & Futana Islands
 Pacific   HM      Heard & McDonald Islands
 Pacific   KI      Kiribati
 Pacific   MF      Macau
 Pacific   MH      Marshall Islands
 Pacific   NK      New Caledonia
 Pacific   NN      Niue
 Pacific   NZ      New Zealand
 Pacific   PC      Pacific Ocean
 Pacific   PF      Tahiti
 Pacific   PW      Palau
 Pacific   QU      Curacao
 Pacific   RE      Reunion
 Pacific   TK      Tokelau
 Pacific   TO      Tonga
 Pacific   TV      Tuvalu
 Pacific   UB      Bouvet Island
 Pacific   UI      Cocos (Keeling) Islands
 Pacific   VU      Vanuatu
 Pacific   WN      Nayarit
 Pacific   WS      Western Samoa
 Pacific   XL      Solomon Islands
 Pacific   XP      Pitcairn Island
 Pacific   YN      Nauru
 Russia    AC      Arkhangel'skaya
 Russia    AY      R. Altay
 Russia    BK      R. Bashkortostan
 Russia    BV      Blagoveshchensk / Amurskaya
 Russia    CW      Central Federal District (Moscow, Bryansk,Smolensk)
 Russia    DA      R. Daghestan
 Russia    GC      R. Groznyy / Chechnya
 Russia    IG      R. Ingushetiya
 Russia    IK      Irkutsk
 Russia    KB      R. Kabardino-Balkariya
 Russia    KC      R. Karachayevo-Cherkesiya
 Russia    KD      Kaliningrad
 Russia    KJ      R. Karelia
 Russia    KK      R. Kakasiya
 Russia    KM      R. Kalmikiya
 Russia    KO      R. Komi
 Russia    KT      Kamchatka / Koryakia
 Russia    OB      Ob river (Novosibirsk, Tomsk)
 Russia    OT      R. Osetiya-Alaniya
 Russia    RA      R. Adygeya
 Russia    RC      R. Chuvashiya
 Russia    RM      R. Mordoviya
 Russia    RN      Murmansk
 Russia    RT      R. Tatarstan
 Russia    RU      Russia
 Russia    SI      Siberian Federal District (Dudinka,
 Russia    SP      Saint Petersburg / Pskov / Novgorod
 Russia    TY      R. Tyva
 Russia    UC      Upper Don (Voronezh, Tula, Lipetsk, Ryazan)
 Russia    UD      R. Udmurtiya
 Russia    UF      Ural Federal District (Omsk, Sverdlovsk)
 Russia    UU      R. Ulan-Ude / Buryatiya
 Russia    VG      Northern Caucasus Federal District (Volgograd)
 Russia    VL      Far East  Federal District (Vladivostok,
 Russia    VO      Volga Federal District (Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk)
 Russia    YK      R. Yakutiya / Sakha
 Russia    YO      R. Yoshkar-Ola / Mariy-El
 S America AA      Argentina
 S America BO      Bolivia
 S America CE      Chile
 S America CL      Colombia
 S America DB      Distrito Federal Brazil
 S America EB      Eastern Brazil (9 provinces)
 S America EC      Ecuador
 S America FG      French Guiana
 S America FK      Falkland Islands
 S America GY      Guyana
 S America NR      Northern Region Brazil (6 provinces)
 S America PE      Peru
 S America PG      Patagonia
 S America PY      Paraguay
 S America RD      Southeast Brazil (Rio De Janeiro, Sao Paulo,
 S America RS      South Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Parana, Santa Catarina)
 S America SA      South America
 S America SR      Suriname
 S America UR      Uruguay
 S America VE      Venezuela
 S America WC      West Central Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goias)
 USA       AK      Alaska
 USA       AL      Alabama
 USA       AR      Arkansas
 USA       AZ      Arizona
 USA       CA      California
 USA       CO      Colorado
 USA       CT      Connecticut
 USA       DC      District of Columbia
 USA       DL      Delaware
 USA       FL      Florida
 USA       GA      Georgia (state)
 USA       GU      Guam
 USA       HI      Hawaii
 USA       IA      Iowa
 USA       ID      Idaho
 USA       IL      Illinois
 USA       IN      Indiana
 USA       KS      Kansas
 USA       KY      Kentucky
 USA       LA      Louisiana
 USA       MA      Massachusetts
 USA       MD      Maryland
 USA       ME      Maine
 USA       MI      Michigan
 USA       MN      Minnesota
 USA       MO      Missouri
 USA       MS      Mississippi
 USA       MT      Montana
 USA       NC      North Carolina
 USA       ND      North Dakota
 USA       NE      Nebraska
 USA       NH      New Hampshire
 USA       NJ      New Jersey
 USA       NM      New Mexico
 USA       NV      Nevada
 USA       NY      New York
 USA       OH      Ohio
 USA       OK      Oklahoma
 USA       OR      Oregon
 USA       PA      Pennsylvania
 USA       RI      Rhode Island
 USA       SC      South Carolina
 USA       SD      South Dakota
 USA       TE      Tennessee
 USA       TX      Texas
 USA       US      United States
 USA       UT      Utah
 USA       VA      Virginia
 USA       VT      Vermont
 USA       WA      Washington (state)
 USA       WI      Wisconsin
 USA       WV      West Virginia
 USA       WY      Wyoming

In this set, 48 of the United States retain their current codes. Tennessee has been changed from TN to TE to use TN for Tamil Nadu in India, and Delaware has been changed from DE to DL so that we can use DE for Deutschland.

Hmmm - Mauritius comes under Africa? Try telling that to a Mauritian!

Even more: Do you really think, UK doesn't belong to Europe? I have now added all of the areas that were under UK into Europe

A lot of European Islands mentioned belong to different states! Have a look at the history of Gibraltar.

I never liked being "AS", but I like it a hell of a lot better than being "PP". -- Togiola Talalelei Tulafono, Governor of American Samoa

Perhaps there are a few that should not be used for anybody. Here is a matrix of used pairs.

~0 ~1 ~2 ~3 ~4 ~5 ~6 ~7 ~8 ~9 ~A ~B ~C ~D ~E ~F ~G ~H ~I ~J ~K ~L ~M ~N ~O ~P ~Q ~R ~S ~T ~U ~V ~W ~X ~Y ~Z
 A A0                            SA CN RU EU AU ME    CH EU CA US US ME A0 CH HD AQ US HD EU AU MX CB EU RU US
 B                               ME CB CN HD EU A0 EU EU A0 A0 RU IN CB MX SA HD EA EA MX HD CB RU A0 CH EU CE
 C                               US CB EU HD SA A0 A0 CH CE CB PC SA A0 CN US MX PC CE MX US CB A0 RU EU EU EU
 D                               RU SA US HD EU MX HD    HD A0 EU US CB HD CB       MX CB                   A0
 E                               EA SA SA IN EU    ME A0 EU    EU CE PC EU EU       A0 EU A0 EU
 F                                           MX    SA PC EU PC SA US PC    EU       EU PC PC CH    PC
 G                               US A0 RU CB CA MX EU A0 EU HD CH AT A0 A0 A0 CB A0 EU CH CE US MX HD CH SA CH
 H                               CH CH    HD CH    MX CH US CH CH HD PC CH CE HD MX HD    CB EU EU    CH    ME
 I                               US    EU US EU    RU HD    IN RU US EU US    HD ME ME ME EU IN A0       EU MX
 J                               MX          EU       EA CH    EA CH CB    ME EA    EA EA       IN    CH
 K                               HD RU RU RU A0 HD CA EA PC RU RU IN RU CB RU EA A0 EA US RU HD EU ME    US CA
 L                               US ME CB CN A0    CH    EU    HD EU MX    EA    MX A0 A0 EU EU EU HD MX ME
 M                               US CN A0 US US PC CA PC US A0 EU A0 HD US US HD CB A0 US US A0 EU A0 MX EA A0
 N                               A0 CN US US US CN A0 US CE US PC EU US PC EU HD A0 SA CN CN CN US AU CH US PC
 O                               MX RU    HD          US       US CH ME CN          US HD RU                AU
 P                               US IN PC HD SA PC SA EA CN HD ME EU CE IN    -- CN CB ME EU MX    PC    SA
 Q                               ME    CN    MX       CH          AU    EU          MX       PC
 R                               RU    RU SA PC          US HD       RU RU EU          SA RU RU    A0 CB
 S                               SA EU US US EU A0 EA AT RU EU CN EU EU A0 A0 RU AU SA A0 EU A0 EU EU CH ME A0
 T                               MX MX CB A0 US CH A0 EA IN CA PC MX CA HD PC CB HD EU AU CB A0 PC EA US RU A0
 U                               ME PC RU RU    RU A0 MX PC    EU       EU    HD MX SA US US RU CB          CA
 V                               US CB EU    SA    RU    AU    EU RU    EA RU EU       CB US PC             MX
 W                               US HD SA    AU          US       EU HD PC             PC    US          US
 X                               HD    CH          CH CH    CH    PC IN CH    PC MX IN          HD          CH
 Y                                     MX    ME       HD ME    RU       PC RU             CN CH    MX
 Z                               MX                   CH             A0             A0 MX MX CB    A0

Here is the matrix of used letter combinations and the larger areas they are part of. Since PP should probably not be used for anyone, would DS, HS, QS, XS, or YS be better?

Samoa was once called the Navigator Islands. The Capital of American Samoa is Pago Pago, the main island is Tutuila, and fa-samoan is the name of the ethical code. Western Samoa is now called Samoa. ES is Spain, AS is Assam, TU is Tunisia, NI is Nicaragua, SA is South America. FS is St Martin Island. Perhaps FS would be a better code for American Samoa. Then of course we need a new code for St Martin Island. We could use DS (D. Souligia).

Also, I have not identified letter pairs for these areas:

ME Middle East
CA Central Asia
IN Indonesia
AT Atlantic
CE Central America

If there are Postal Codes established, as in US and Europe, why change them? What about the existing top-level domains?

Team building

I built this list originally to build teams. I wanted a set of areas that people could identify themselves as living in so that when they were building teams, it would be easy to match up people living within moving or commuting distance of each other. Worldwide Postal Codes was essentially a framework for building this list. -- JonGrover

Sumatra changed from UM to PB (Palembang)

Using a two-letter code to represent the set of 50 US states, 10 Canadian provinces, and various territories, districts, commonwealths, and administrative regions of both countries is one thing. Using a two-letter code with 676 (26*26) possibilities to represent a set of countries and regions whose cardinality approaches 676 strikes me as asinine.


The wiki could be a place where people create things. -- JonGrover

A0 Africa
B0 Antarctica
C0 Central Asia
E0 Europe
F0 Far East
I0 Indian Subcontinent
M0 Middle East
N0 North America
O0 Oceana
P0 Pacific Ocean
S0 South America


