Business Value Oriented Programming

last modified: October 3, 2003

BusinessValueOrientedProgramming is another name for ExtremeProgramming. BusinessValueOrientedProgramming focuses on three critical BusinessValue's:

When companies try to mix these business values in a project, they tend to gravitate toward one at the expense of the other two because these businesses values tend to require mutually exclusive actions. For example, if a company wants to have FastReactionToMarketChanges, they tend to do substantial up front design and analysis. This cuts SpeedToMarket substantially.

ExtremeProgramming solves these problems by having the programmers bend over backwards to set up their programming approach so that all these three business values can be met. They do this by building the tests before the code, which is backward to the standard way of writing software. -- JonGrover


See: WhyCallItXp, DontCallItExtreme, PrototypingVsSpecifying, SellingXpToExecutives, RunAsFastAsYouCanAsFarAsYouCan

