JUnit (JavaUnit) is just one of the TestingFrameworks known collectively as XUnit, which can be found at http://www.xprogramming.com/software.htm.
See also TestingFramework, RegressionTesting, StarUnitAutoSuite
(sorted alphabetically)
- AdaUnit
- AsUnit, AsUnitForAppleScript
- AspUnit
- CeeUnit, CeeUnitTesting
- ComUnit
- CommonLispUnit
- CppUnit, UnitTestCpp, CppUnitLite, CppUnitReflection, CppUtxOverview, EasyUnit
- CsUnit
- DbUnit
- DelphiUnit
- DotNetUnit, DotUnit
- DtmlUnit
- EiffelUnit
- EjbUnitTest
- GuiUnitTesting belongs?
- HtmlUnit, HttpUnit
- IconUnit
- JakartaCactus
- JavascriptUnit
- JavaTiger
- JavaUnit (actually, this is JUnit)
- JsUnit
- JtwoeeUnit
- JwebUnit
- JxUnit
- KayUnit
- LingoUnit
- NeUnit
- NunitFramework, NunitAsp, NunitWeb
- ObjcUnit, OcUnit, OhTwoUnit
- PalmUnit
- PerlTestClass
- PerlUnit
- PhpUnit
- PowerBuilderUnit
- PyUnitTestBrowser, PythonUnit
- RebolUnit
- RubyUnit
- PlSqlUnit, OraclePlsqlUnit
- SchemeUnit
- SmalltalkUnit
- TagUnit
- TsqlUnit
- VbUnit, VbaUnit, VbLiteUnit
- WoUnit,WoUnitTest
- XbUnit
- XmlUnit, XsltUnit
- ZopeUnit
Anything decent available in Standard ML?. It would be quite handy...