Cs Unit

last modified: March 26, 2013

csUnit is a testing tool for the .NET framework. It is available for free under the terms of the GPL.

The most recent version is available at one of the following:

This is what KentBeck says about it: "Cool!" I have nothing to add to this statement.

Also available are:

For more information you can also send email to info@csunit.org.

-- ManfredLange

Are there any major differences between this and other unit testing tools?

Of course! CsUnit is much better!

But seriously: Each of the unit testing tools offers a different set of features. For each feature it is a question of personal taste or preference, whether it is regarded as being essential, nice to have, or a waste of time. This is a decision each programmer has to make by himself. -- ManfredLange

Also, can this framework be used to test code written in other DotNet languages (VB.NET, VisualJaySharpDotNet, MSIL), or is it specifically limited to C#?

Please see http://www.csunit.org for a list of supported programming languages. -- ManfredLange

AnswerMe, please. Is there a way to use csUnit to test your code without having to GPL your code?

If you only use csUnit in house, and do not ship your test cases, then you can use it without GPL'ing your code.

The question becomes more important when you want to ship your tests along with a non-GPL'ed software. The authors of the GPL make it clear that they consider any program linked against GPL software to be a "derivative work", and subject to the terms of the GPL. Therefore, we are considering a modification to the licensing so that for instance csUnit.dll can be LGPL, which means you can ship your tests along with a non-GPL software, but csUnit will be able to enjoy most of the benefits of the GPL. For more information about the LGPL, please see: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html

Stay tuned. -- ManfredLange.

Update: starting with csUnit 2.0 the licensing is more flexible, and now also allows for the use in commercial, closed-source products. There is no need anymore to GPL any software that incorporates csUnit or portions of it. Please see http://www.csunit.org for more details. -- ManfredLange.

(Superficially) I can't see the differences between csUnit and NUnit. There is a non-answer above, saying they are different, as each offers different features. But what are these features?

See also TestingFramework for other .Net xUnit testing frameworks.

