TestingFramework for RegressionTesting of programs written in the PythonLanguage.
In time for the release of Python 2.1, the 'PyUnit' framework has been voted into the Python Standard Library, shipped with Python itself. This probably makes it the definitive Python XUnit. For those using earlier versions of Python there is a standalone distribution too. See http://pyunit.sourceforge.net/ for more information and documentation. -- StevePurcell
PyUnit can be found in recent releases of Python under the module name "unittest"; see http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-unittest.html
I currently have a wxPython based GUI for PythonUnit. If you are interested please email me. -- NathanHeagy
See http://vim.sourceforge.net/tips/tip.php?tip_id=280 on how to integrate it with Vim editor.
I've written extensions to PythonUnit, they're at TestOob. -- OriPeleg
See also: DocTest, PyUnitTestBrowser
CategoryTesting CategoryPython