Jx Unit

last modified: January 23, 2004


Building Suites of Test Data with XML (An ExtremeDevelopment project)

project home: http://jxunit.sourceforge.net

Data-Centric Testing: Advantage of Separating Test Data from Test Code Test data plays a central role in testing. From the lowest level (method tests) to the highest (acceptance tests), a test involves input data, expected output data, and a comparison between the expected and actual output data.

There are several advantages to separating test data from test code:

Test data can be edited, making it easy to add additional test cases; 
Test data can be validated, as a means of reducing "false failures"; and 
Test data can be externally generated or captured from a production process. 

Test data can be more easily removed and replaced with real data when the time comes.

JXUnit builds on JxQuick, JUnit, and the Jakarta REGEXP.

[Category: TestingFramework]
