Gold Rush

last modified: December 18, 2004

One of my favorite ProjectManagementPatterns, although it chills some people to their bones. It was originally called AllAtOnce, and posted that way on posted on, but that name never transmitted its intended connotations. I changed its name to GoldRush before putting it into SurvivingObjectOrientedProjects.) --AlistairCockburn

Here is the original version, in the medical metaphor format ( the precursor to CockburnPmForm).

GoldRush (AlistairCockburn)





Try This:



The designer/programmers quickly got ahead of the requirements people, who were busy in meetings trying to nail down details of the requirements. If they waited until the requirements were solid, they would not have enough time for to do their work. They were able to guess quite closely what the requirements would be like, without knowing final details, so they started design and programming right away. The requirements person gave them course corrections after each meeting. The amount of time it took to incorporate those mid-course alterations was small compared to the total design time.

Principles Involved:




Alistair adds (about names on the patterns): ...This project manager guy also reacted to the one I then called, "Rough Sketch", which I changed to, "AllAtOnce" and eventually GoldRush. Another pattern searching for a good name. He said, "We use Rough Sketch all the time" -- it turned out he thought it meant doing logical design before physical design. He read the whole page and never figured out it was just the opposite of what he did. It was only on my 3rd explanation that he heard the pattern, and then his eyes opened wide... So, of course, I changed the name immediately. Possible names I tried were, "Program Too Soon", "Implement Immediately", and others, all obviously unsuitable. Name suggestions are welcome for this one, too.

Shalom Reich writes: The "AllAtOnce" pattern appears to be a typical Project Management "crash project" approach. In a "crash project" one must be careful to identify true predecessors for each task with the goal of reducing the "critical path". This allows parallel efforts to proceed which will all "come together" at the last possible moment. I have found that project plans often contain *false* linkages between tasks. For example, in one large project we had a "specification" phase. I was able to break the project into several smaller projects which each had its own specification phase. This allowed me to juggle my limited resources and have coders working on the part that went first through the specification phase at the same time that the analysts were working on the specifications for the second sub-project. (I guess that this is another pattern that may resolve the problem.)

In the Jan/Feb 1999 issue of IEEE Software, SteveMcConnell writes about gold rush software development, and contrasts it with post-gold rush development. It is not exactly the same as this pattern, but pretty close.

How about GainExperienceEarly

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