Steve Mc Connell

last modified: December 18, 2004

Steve founded Construx Software Builders, Inc. Steve was also Editor-in-Chief of IeeeSoftware from 1998 to 2002.

He also wrote CodeComplete (a bible), RapidDevelopment (another bible), SoftwareProjectSurvivalGuide and AfterTheGoldRush (total crap).

Readers of SoftwareDevelopmentMagazine voted Steve the third most influential person in software (coming after BillGates and LinusTorvalds).

Not to be confused with SteveMaguire, another author and former MicroSoft developer.

The draft of the 2nd edition of AfterTheGoldRush is up on his website at:

After The Gold Rush has been updated and re-released with the title ProfessionalSoftwareDevelopment.

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