Linus Torvalds

last modified: November 3, 2014

Original author of the LinuxKernel, implemented borrowing ideas from AndrewTanenbaum's Minix (later completely rewritten with POSIX compatibility as the sole goal). Previously worked for TransMeta, a company whose product is a VLIW microprocessor that (with the help of some clever JIT-like software) executes x86 code. Allegedly it's very fast and very low-power.

Currently works for the OpenSourceDevelopmentLab.

There's a "Rampantly Unofficial Linus Torvalds FAQ" at .

See LinusOnDesign

Linus on C++:

Original author of GitVersionControl, now used to manage LinuxKernel development.

"He drinks beer (especially Guinness). Occasionally he shoots pistols. He does not combine these two activities."

(from the "Rampantly Unofficial Linus Torvalds FAQ")

-- MikaelNordfelth

