Extreme Tools

last modified: November 5, 2005

For Java [Started in a post on the XpMailingList by SeanHanly]: abc JavaIdes:


VersionControl Systems:

UnitTesting Frameworks:

AcceptanceTesting Frameworks:

Object Persistence Layers:

Performance Measurement:



ExtremeTools is a topic that currently interests me. I originally thought it to be the toolset required to support ExtremeProgramming. The more I looked at the idea, though, and the more time I spent trying to put such a toolset, the more ExtremeTools also came to mean writing tools in an extreme style - which is quite the opposite of what a lot of tools builders do. I'll try to put most of the tools I've written out in the public domain ASAP; some of them will be included in my upcoming book on ENVY. -- JosephPelrine

One tool category that seems to be missing in the "tracking" space is one to generate progress graphs from runs of acceptance test suites. This would be much more valuable to me than "story database" tools.

MicrosoftExcel would be the SimplestThing, and I'd probably do that for a start. My next stories would be - the tool takes care of counting ATs in my code base, runs them on a periodic basis, and updates the Excel document accordingly.
