Java Ide

last modified: February 17, 2013

There are quite a few IDEs (integrated development environments) for Java. Still one has the feeling that there is still a big JavaToolsOpportunity going begging. These are the environments wiki readers use to develop their Java.

So far there is no JavaLanguage OoEnvironmentForPalm. (You can run Java programs on the Palm, but there is no IDE that lets you write Java programs on the Palm ).

Other Java IDEs: (If you actually use any of these, please move it to the above list)

What makes a great JavaIde?

I have not been able to find any JavaIde that fullfills this reasonably well. Am I just not looking hard enough? -- JohannesBrodwall

You may want to try JayEdit, which has performed the amazing feat of weaning me of Emacs. That's right, I use jEdit over Emacs. It has full BeanShell scripting, outlining and narrowing, a class browser, flawless FTP support, and an integrated file system manager reminicent of (but much better than) XEmacs speedbar. The indentation isn't as good as Emacs, but that's the only serious flaw.

JayEdit's biggest flaw is that it doesn't support the Emacs keybindings. You are stuck with the arrow keys and the mouse. Which in my opinion slows you down a lot. -- WillSargent and JonasBoner

Note that means it doesn't support them out of the box, you can still assign the relevant commands (e.g. next word) to any keycombo you want (including extended combos such as "ctrl+e crtrl+n").

The version of jEdit open in front of me even has prebuilt ones as a menu item in the settings dialog. It's also got ones for IntellijIdea and MacOsx (whatever that means)

Interestingly, both the NetBeans and IntellijIdea come from Prague in the Czech Republic, aka the "beer town". In fact, a ForteForJava was codenamed Pilsen.)

Has anyone else noticed that there seem to be so many free Java IDEs out there? The list includes JEdit, Forte, NetBeans, Jext and EclipseIde. Why ?

My guess is the interoperability of Java. In my C/C++ days around 1994-99, every C/C++ IDE is inevitably tied to some C/C++ compiler/debugger/visual editor/etc, and it is hell to make any code created with one IDE work in another IDE. With Java, apart from some particular IDE (early versions of JBuilder comes to mind), you basically expect your codes to be IDE independant, and you also expect your Java tools like debugger/profiler to work regardless of what IDE you use. So it is practical to create standalone Java IDEs, notice that most IDEs do not come with their own JVM/compiler/debugger/profiler/etc but instead use whatever JVM is available in your system.

CategoryJava OpenJava
