AntHill is a build management server that ensures a controlled build process and promotes the sharing of knowledge within an organization. AntHill performs a checkout from the source repository of the latest version of a project before every build and tags the repository with a unique build number after every build. AntHill also automatically updates a project intranet site with artifacts from the latest build. AntHill is an extension to the ApacheAnt project and is compatible with version 1.3 and 1.4 of Ant. AntHill is OpenSource and is released under a Mozilla-like license.
Ant 1.5.1 is now included in the distribution of Anthill
UrbanCode recently released AnthillPro - AnthillPro adds to the already robust feature set of the open source version of Anthill. Features like the following make AnthillPro easy to use in heterogeneous environments:
- Use different JDKs to build different projects. Some of your projects may require JDK 1.3 to build, while other should be built using JDK 1.4. With AnthillPro, you can build both projects using one Anthill installation.
- Use different classpaths to build different projects. Some projects may require JUnit 3.7, while others may require JUnit 3.8 during the build. Anthill Pro provides fine grained control over the classpath used to build any project.
- Robust support for project dependencies. - Rebuild all dependent projects with the latest version of a dependency (similar to Apache Gump). - Use the latest versions of dependencies during a project build. Every project can store its latest artifacts (to be reused by other projects) in Anthill's built-in repository.
- Ability to rebuild any previously built version.
Project Website Pro:
Project Website OS:
Supported VersionControl systems:
- ConcurrentVersionsSystem (CVS)
- VisualSourceSafe (in v1.5)
- StarTeam (in v1.5)
- PerforceVersionControl (in v1.5)
- PVCS (in v1.5)
- ClearCase (in AnthillPro)
Controlled Build Server:
- means to track every build
- ability to recover and reproduce any build
- hands-off operation
Platform for sharing knowledge about software assets:
- central location for project websites including documentation, javadocs, project downloads, etc.
- automatic email notification of build status to interested parties
Process automation tool:
- automates the build process (nightly builds)
- can run unit tests with every build
- generates source code metrics with every build
- etc.
ExtremeProgramming tool:
- implements ContinuousIntegration
- runs UnitTests with every build
Tool for code reuse:
- supports dependencies between projects
- implements Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle
Similar tools:
AnthillFeatureList- anthill feature list
Known uses
- Merill Lynch
- Banco Sicredi
- FedEx Custom Critical
- Alamo Rental Cars (local division)
- Equifax
- AlexMcLintock of OpenWebAnalystsLtd on behalf a large UK client.
See UrbanCode