If your project is extreme, list it here. Make a page to tell us a little about it, if you haven't already, and maybe list a contact.
Please note: This section is for specific projects using ExtremeProgramming. If you have a user group, please list it under CategoryXpUsersGroup.
Put your project here (please use alphabetical order):
- XpCapeTown -- reports on a couple of small efforts
- TheRomoProject -- National wide project for licensing commercial enterprises in Angola
- BmwWcmTool
- ChannelOneHamburg
- CseeTransport is ProgrammingInParis a metro supervision system.
- ByteVisionIconProject
- TheEyekaProject
- KalivProject
- LifeTech
- MarketInfo
- ProjectCanon
- PenrillianLtd
- RepoMargining
- TargetProcess
- XpDublin
- XpEdinburgh - ( now XpOwl and XpSferics )
- XpGlasgow
- XpLeiden
- XpLondon
- XpAnkara
North America
- Aaronsen Group, Ltd. - OnlineServices (OLSv2)
- AdrenalineGroup (Washington DC, Austin TX)
- ChryslerComprehensiveCompensation
- EncyclopaediaBritannica
- IssCpeProject
- CsXpCompanies (Colorado Springs XP Companies)
- DoIt
- EscrowCom
- EvantSolutions (San Francisco)
- GrainMonitorProject (Boston area)
- HpSoapProject
- ImpartTechnology(Austin, TX)
- IrrsProject
- LockheedMartinResearchAndDevelopment -- XP with PowerBuilder 7, even
- NexMedia - http://www.sedar.com/data18/filings/00256434/00000001/c%3A\sedar\docs\Nexmedia\Report.pdf (Vancouver)
- OmnigonInternational - eXtreme like no project ever before or again...
- ProductSight
- RonsXpProject
- TechnologyStrategy (Cambridge)
- TripleEeeTechnologies
- ScanBuilderProject
- VcapsProject
- XpAtlanta
- XpBoxborough
- XpCarolina
- XpNewYorkCity
- XpOrangeCounty - Anyone here? Anyone getting extreme on SiliconBeach?
- XpOttawa
- XpSeattle
- AidfProject (Brazil, São Paulo)
- TheMarbleProject (Brazil)
- ElcodLtda (Chile, SantiagoDeChile)
- MicrosystemMigration (Chile, SantiagoDeChile)
Not yet categorized
- AcxiomExtremeTeam
- ATS (see AtsGoesExtreme, which includes the extensive AtsDiary)
- ExperienceWithXp
- Out-Of-Band Signaling Project Voice Services Platforms
- TariffSystem
- WyCash
- XpAtArinc
- XpCoeurDalene
- XpSystem
- XpTrowePrice
- ExtremeProjects
- XpAustin
- JxUnit (an ExtremeDevelopment project)
The sole intent of the geographical categorization was for XpFolk to more easily discover if there is a bunch of LikeMindedFolk near them -- DavidSaff
Some of the companies are also multiple sites so it's not clear which location is running XP. Geographic, then alphabetical makes sense.
If a company consists of multiple geographic XP sites, the company can appear more than once in this page.
http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/babblenet/ This was our first experiment with ExtremeProgramming and it went quite well. We found that there was a bit of a learning curve, but once the team got into the swing of things and built up a relatively stable code base, it went smoothly. -- StephenPetschulat (Vancouver, Canada)
Take the XpProjectSurvey! (Inquiring minds want to know. ;-)