The Grain Monitor project was in development from 1998 to 2002. The embedded software team used XP for the final 18 months of this project. We were building a mobile spectrometer, the first ever of its kind. The important thing (in my opinion at least) is that we solved all of the technical problems, and became a really smooth team. Our company stopped development due to business issues. The project might go forward again after being sold to another company.
Team size = 4 or 5 people (it varied)
composition: C, assembler, VB (for associated Windows app), C++, Perl
Project Name = "Grain Monitor"
Business Domain = Industrial Controls
Duration/Schedule: 3 years' development, approx 60 s/w releases
Total Length = 36 months
Iteration length = After adoption of XP, 2-3 weeks was avg. iteration
XP Practices used: All of them, to varying degrees
Programming language(s): C, C++, VB, Perl
Project Status: Cancelled
Problems encountered/solutions found - (Will add info or links later on.)