Grain Monitor Project

last modified: June 18, 2004

The Grain Monitor project was in development from 1998 to 2002. The embedded software team used XP for the final 18 months of this project. We were building a mobile spectrometer, the first ever of its kind. The important thing (in my opinion at least) is that we solved all of the technical problems, and became a really smooth team. Our company stopped development due to business issues. The project might go forward again after being sold to another company.

Team size = 4 or 5 people (it varied)
composition: C, assembler, VB (for associated Windows app), C++, Perl 
Project Name = "Grain Monitor" 
Business Domain = Industrial Controls
Duration/Schedule: 3 years' development, approx 60 s/w releases 
  Total Length = 36 months 
  Iteration length = After adoption of XP, 2-3 weeks was avg. iteration
XP Practices used: All of them, to varying degrees
Programming language(s): C, C++, VB, Perl
Project Status: Cancelled 
Problems encountered/solutions found  - (Will add info or links later on.)

-- NancyVanSchooenderwoert

