Xp Ottawa

last modified: August 15, 2010

I believe the Agile Ottawa User Group totally replaced this one.

It has been active since 2008 organizing monthly events including well known guest speakers.

For more details look at the site http://agileottawa.wordpress.com/

This page is for XP in Canada's capital, aka Silicon Valley North. Ottawa is home not only to the federal government, but a large high-tech sector led by Nortel, Alcatel, Cognos, Corel and many others. For more information go to http://www.ottawa.ca.

The XP community here is still rather small, although the National Research Council's Software Engineering group is quite active. I believe the main contact there is HakanErdogmus.

I don't believe there are any XP user groups yet in Ottawa as of June 2002. I don't have the time to start one myself, but am willing to help out.

The XP Ottawa wiki is located at http://xpottawa.ca/

The XP Ottawa mailing list is on yahoo at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/extremeprogramming-ottawa-canada/

I'd be interested in helping out --IanRae

As for XP Projects, MayfordTechnologies is using XP (details to follow).

ANN: Inaugural Meeting of the Ottawa XP Users Group

I would like to invite everyone to the inaugural meeting for the Ottawa Extreme Programming Users Group!

When: Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 6:30 PM

Where: ExitCertified 85 Albert Street, Suite 1200 Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6A4 Tel: (613) 232-Exit (3948) http://www.exitcertified.com

Our topic will be Planning Extreme Programming, presented by David Buck of Simberon Incorporated (http://www.simberon.com/). David is a consultant specializing in Smalltalk programming and agile methodologies for the past 8 years.

In addition to the presentation, this is also an opportunity to get in touch with others in Ottawa interested in Extreme Programming in particular, and Agile Methodologies in general.

The room is limited to about 17-20 people, so please RSVP to oxpug@mayford.ca if you will be attending.



Nove 14, 2002: Two-page article in the Ottawa Citizen's Tech section on XP titled "Bye-bye coder BurnOut". Interviews with DaveRooney, MayfordTechnologies, and JimCordy, QueensUniversity.

NrcXpWorkshop - Took place between March 11-22 at the Institute for Information Technology.

XP at OJUG - DaveRooney of MayfordTechnologies will be making an Overview of XP presentation at the Ottawa Java Users Group meeting on June 11, 2002 from 6-8 PM at the Algonquin Technology Institute at Holland Cross. This would be a good opportunity for all those interested in XP to get together as a kickoff to OXPUG.

XP at CSE - I (David Buck) and Karl Boutin did a semi-XP project at CSE in Ottawa which worked quite well. We used pair programming, automated unit tests (though not exactly test-first design), and continuous integration. This was all in Smalltalk. Karl wrote an experience report for the Extreme Programming conference in Italy in 2001.

XP at the Ottawa Carleton Smalltalk Users Group - David Buck also gave a presentation on XP a few years ago to the Ottawa Carleton Smalltalk Users Group. to try to encourage Smalltalk teams to use XP.
