Cud Chewers

last modified: May 3, 2007

"Out standing in our own field!"

This category is in 'honor' of those people who may have at one time been quite productive in the field of software design and related fields, but although they may still have the ability to keep producing the big ideas, for some reason they just seem to be standing around 'chewing the cud' of whatever field they've led the way in previously.

Sounds more like sour grapes to me. (,said the Fox)

Please keep in mind that if a person is just too dead or otherwise incapable of pursuing what dragons may have been pursued in the past, that person doesn't count. It wouldn't be sporting. For example: let's say the person in question has grown old and his/her mind just isn't capable of splitting mountains in twain --please leave that one alone.



Elsewhere it's been said that there aren't any examples of people who produce another big breakthrough later in life after doing so early on, so isn't this merely a list of people who did something early on?

It's a sort of backhanded compliment to include someone. Better than dismissing their achievements entirely.

No because it's false. There are some people who produced great research throughout their careers. One technique they used was to change fields after they'd exhausted the possibilities in their current one.

Such as? (I'm not disagreeing; I just would like to see a list started)

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