Car Hoare

last modified: February 16, 2014

Professor Sir Charles Anthony Richard Hoare, FRS, James Martin Professor of Computing at the University of Oxford, was created Knight Bachelor in the 2000 New Year's Honours for services to education and to computer science.

Aka C. A. R. Hoare or simply TonyHoare.

Emeritus since 1999, now senior researcher with MicrosoftResearch.

Inventor of the QuickSort algorithm, author of the book "CommunicatingSequentialProcesses", source of quotes (see TwoWaysToDesign, PrematureOptimization, TonyHoareOnAlgolSixty, TheEmperorsOldClothes).

Co-author (with NiklausWirth) of the influential 1965 language Algol-W (introduced case statement; predecessor to PascalLanguage)

Recipient of 1980 TuringAward.

Former (dead link) home page:

Current (Feb 2014) University of Oxford home page:

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