Category Online Book

last modified: March 1, 2004

CategoryOnlineBook is used to mark WikiPages about books that are available online--meaning the entire text of the book can be read online or downloaded free of charge (but see note below). Simply being for sale on or elsewhere doesn't count.

Click on the header to get a list of the WikiPages describing the books.

Note that the online editions of many of these books come with use restrictions--such as non-commercial use only. One even has a restriction that if you print the .pdf files, you owe the publisher US$.02 a page for each page printed or copy made. (In all cases, you're pretty much on the honor system, I suppose.)

In most cases, a print edition of the book is available, which Amazon or Powells or whoever else will be happy to sell you. Some of the books are online-only; and some are "draft" versions of books still being authored/revised (and might become unavailable online once the completed book goes to press).

Also see CategoryBook.

