Working List for Link Fixing - DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20141028
---How organized:
- First Indent - the classification of the links following in Second and Third Indents
- Second Indent - The page of the Link or BrokenLink, the vertical bar as separator | and the link to fix
- Third Indent - The fix of the link in the Second Link preceding
- Second Indent - The page of the Link or BrokenLink, the vertical bar as separator | and the link to fix
---Bookshelved Dot Org - (Site no longer responding) Here is a list of Links and BrokenLinks (it will grow and shrink as required):
Candidates for becoming Disabled and Italicized on pages in this wiki
- ApproachesToDefinitions |
- BeyondFear |
- BookShelved |
- TheEconomist |
- BookTestUnit
- BookThatNeverEnds
- CriticalPath
- CryptoNomicon
- DisciplineOfProgramming |
- ForeverWar
- GoogleHatesWiki
- HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy
- MasteringAlgorithmsWithCee
- MasteringAlgorithmsWithPerl
- NamesGivenToComputers
- RecentChangesOnOtherWikiForums
- SlackByTomDeMarco
- SoftwareForYourHead
- SokalHoax
- TheDispossessed
- TheMathematicsOfTheIdealVilla
- TheSecretArtOfDrSeuss
- TheSilmarillion
- TheTransparentSociety
- TimesProgrammingSupplement
- WarAndPeace
- WhatNotHow
Candidates for becoming Disabled and Italicized On HomePage in this wiki:
- AalbertTorsius |
- BilKleb |
- ChrisGarrod
- ChrisMatts
- DonaldNorman
- ElizabethWiethoff
- FrankScholten
- GregEgan
- JamesBullock
- MarcosTarruella
- MarkTilley
- NealStephenson
- NoelKelly
- OuLiPo
- RalphJohnson
- RichardBach
- TomAyerst
- TomClancy |
- VladimirNabokov
The suspects
found out of 36596 pages searched.