- Married to Annelies.
- Father to Quinn Thijmen.
- Father to Silvijn Roek.
- Dutch.
- JustaProgrammer -- After a short venture into .NET land, I'm now doing PL/SQL, although there may be Java ahead. I still love the PrologLanguage.
- Former student of ArtificialIntelligence.
- Former student of IndustrialDesign.
- MyMyersBriggsTypeIs INTP -- according to some quick online test I took.
- MyLipsonShiuTypeIs ICIG
- Occasionally signing ATS, which comes from Aalbert TorsiuS; an old login that stuck.
I enjoy reading, especially CyberPunk and other ScienceFiction.
I believe we should all try to FixOurWiki all the time. When coming across something that isn't as it should be, fix it in passing; it's easy enough.
Bookmarks for myself:
RandomPages -- much more interesting than RecentChanges.
NewRecentChanges -- very useful.
RulesOfGeelf -- haven't played it yet, but sounds like fun.
http://www.vegatopia.com -- yes, I'm a vegetarian; that's why I'm not on MeatBall :)
http://pacificcoast.net/~evavanemden/books/neals/jipi.html Jipi and the Paranoid Chip - NealStephenson
http://www.jeffnoon.com/ -- JeffNoon "Magic is indistinguishable from sufficiently advanced technology"
http://www.acm.org/classics/sep95/ - ReflectionsOnTrustingTrust
http://www.thisamericanlife.org/ -- search the archives for "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" for the interesting history behind Apple's GraphingCalculator
http://www.melstrom-myers.com/Articles/Archive/Grapevine.html -- the grapevine metaphore
WikiMailBox (please use your WikiSignature when sending WikiMail):
Aalbert, there are other alternatives to RecentChanges. You can lobby for Ward to allow Colin to restart AutoPcn, that way changes in pages of interest to you will be noted. Another way is to use ImplicitTopics or other similar facilities such as the Example at http://donaldr.noyes.com/NysLte/CategorizedChanges.htm | I noticed Nov05 -- DavidLiu 21Nov05
I know. It's just that for the moment, I find RandomPages to be the most interesting feature. -- ATS
AnswerMe: I'm experiencing difficulties registering at both sites. Since the license permits redistribution, does anyone have a copy for me? Thanks in advance. -- AalbertTorsius
Possible Answer: Try the Dolphin site