The Economist

last modified: November 7, 2014

A fabulous English weekly newspaper with international editions.

This newspaper tells the truth as it sees it, which is free-market Adam Smith style. It sometimes suggests that drugs should be legalized (but regulated and, of course, taxed). Also, voluntary prostitution.

What publication tells the truth other than the way it sees it? It's also socially liberal (in the wider non-US-pejorative-meaning of the word), fairly fiscally conservative, pro-gun control, pro choice, pro-selective schools, and supports the idea of a war on Iraq. In some of these it can construct a good argument, in some it's determined to ignore most evidence that doesn't support its position. And - despite concentrating largely on the world of business and the West - it has a wider international coverage than any of its US competitors.

An excellent read. I've been a subscriber for years.

Once one gets used to the magazine's general opinions on politics, it's written in such a way that one doesn't have to agree with it to understand its points and be educated by it. In my opinion, at least. -- BrentNewhall


