The Silmarillion

last modified: September 20, 2010

A book by JrrTolkien, explaining the prehistory of the world of TheHobbit and the LordOfTheRings.

It's literally the story of the Silmarils, the three jewels whose fate is bound up with the fate of the world. History starts with the One god who, out of nothingness, creates angelic-like entities. The "lesser" gods are given a theme and told to play music and as they weave beautifully one of them has the audacity to create his own theme which clashes with the original. They are shown their music through a brief glimpse of the world and then it is taken away. The lesser gods become fascinated and the One, Eru, plays out the music/world at a slower rate and gives them reign over its properties. Lesser races (elves, men, dwarves, etc.) come and the world changes. Melkor, he of the clashing theme, becomes consumed with being the ruler of the world for he is the most like Eru, but he must share power with another like him (almost the equivalent of Lucifer to God). Melkor steals the Silmarils from the elves causing a domino effect of endless suffering because of the desire to have what's been taken.

In other words, all of Tolkien's works tend to revolve around bickering over jewelry...


